All I Need

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*/*/Bill's P.O.V./*/*

   I chuckled darkly to myself as the image of the agonized and confused Shooting Star was still fresh in my mind. What a sight to behold! And I must admit, confirming that it was in fact me that killed her little friend wasn't the brightest thing to do, but hey, no harm can come from it. After all, she will never be able to come close enough to Pinetree to even inform him of the... "catastrophic" event. A smirk lingers on my face as I continue to reminisce on the somberly exciting moment.

  "Bill!" My thoughts are halted as a certain voice fills the echoing corridors. I smile and turn on my heel toward the source.

  "Hello Pinetree~!" I slightly wave as the boy hugs me. He nuzzles into me a bit and then pulls away. I smile down at him, remembering what happened the last time we saw each other.

"Where were you??" His tone is soft and gleeful, a bit more so than usual.

  "I had some.. Business to take care of.." I smiled more and giggled as I remembered my encounter with Shooting Star.

  "Oh? I see. Well.. You're back now, so.. " Pinetree seemed to cut himself off, as if thinking about what he should say. I decide to read his mind to figure out what it was he wanted to tell me.

  'Come on, Dipper! Just.. Tell him what's on your mind! I want to but... Ahhh, why do I find this embarrassing?!' I let out a fake gasp.

  "Pinetree," I say in a bewildered tone. "are you embarrassed?! Well I never thought I'd live to see the day where you get embarrassed!" I cackle at my own sarcasm. He pushes me a bit as his face turns a solid red.

  "B-Bill!" He exclaims. I cackle more, and he turns his head away. Looking down at him, I can obviously tell that something is going awry inside his head. Now if only he would tell me what...

  "Pinetree," I let my voice drop a bit, not enough to be ominous or threatening, but just enough to be comforting. My hand finds a way to his cheek, pulling his head back up to meet my gaze. His big eyes are soft, and yet they hold some unknown force in them. It's a force that makes you not want to look away, one that makes you want to stay there and get lost in them. "it's not good to keep secrets, y'know? If something is on your mind, it would be best to tell me now so I can help you." He adverts his gaze, almost like he's purposefully trying to avoid my eye contact.

  "I... I-I.." Oh boy. He's stuttering again. I decide to read his mind again. 'I need to tell him. What if he gets irritated and decides to leave again? I don't want him to leave again... Or what if he decides to throw me out? I don't - no, I can't go out there.. Especially after earlier.. What does he think of that, anyway? Does he feel different about me now? If so, is it a good feeling?' I sigh and brush my thumb over his cheek. By now he is probably well aware of the fact that I am reading his mind.

  "Geez, kid," I place my hands on his waist and hoist him up onto my shoulder. He's yelps and grabs onto the back of my jacket, as if thinking he would somehow fall over my shoudler. I snap my fingers and in a matter of moments we find ourselves inside my study. I seat myself at the chair near my desk and place my shorter companion on my lap. I bring my hand up to his head and begin to soothingly stroke his hair. He lets his head fall onto my chest as I continued to pet him. A few moments of silence followed as we just sit there, not moving and unwilling to talk.

"B-Bill..." He muttered, breaking the silence. I hum in response and cast my eye down at his figure. He's sighed a bit before talking. "You already know what I wanted to say, right?" I nod and utter an almost silent "yes" before he continued. "You aren't mad about it..? At all..?" I laugh in spite of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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