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-_-_-Mabel's POV-_-_-

So I know the world is ending and all, and the only people who can stop it are all these lovely people in the shack, but I have to say I'm having a great time.

Everyone is working together, sharing ideas, helping one another, and it's beautiful. Stan has been taking things more seriously, and took control in his brothers absence. McGukkit has been planning and tinkering nonstop, and the blueprints were amazing.

Wendy noticed my soft smile, and threw her arm around my shoulder.

"Haha, the world's ending and you're still happy." She winked at me.

"Of course! We need some positive energy to show that stupid triangle we aren't afraid of him and his little...uh... demon friends." I smile showing my braces.

"So true." Wendy waves and goes back to work.

Stay positive.

.-.-.Ford's POV.-.-.

I was back in the Fearamid, and I was shocked that I wasn't a golden statue, but alas I did not get all that lucky for I realized I was trapped in a giant pyramid cage.

Perfect, I thought sarcastically.

Taking a look around at my surroundings I appear to be in some sort of room, but it's right by Bill's throne room. No windows were seen on any walls, which meant no sign of any escape. I slide down leaning on the blue bars.

A few silent minutes go by when I see a figure out of my peripheral vision. Jumping up to see who it is, and running over to the oppisite side of the triangle only to see Dipper looking around with an unnerved expression in the other room.

"Dipper!" I yell, but no reply.

He continues to look completly oblivious of my existence. I try calling to him a bit more, only to end up with me being ignored.

"Bill must've done something to this prison so he can't hear me." I think aloud, and begin pacing the perimeter of the cell.

Only a few seconds later a loud POOF could be heard from behind me, and I whip around on my heels to see what it is. A note levitated infront of my face. I swiftly took it out of the air and  read it quietly to myself.

Look who's lucky day it is! As a request for your safety from one of your family members, you will be let free from your prison, and transported back to your loving home in;



2 3/4...

2 1/2...


Just as I read the last word on the note card, my vision went misty, and I fell back.

I woke up at the foot of the shack, rubbing my head I heard someone yelling from inside. Mabel sprinted full speed out into the front yard and knelt down on the grass.

"Grunkle Ford Grunkle Ford!" She cried, while slapping my face and shaking my body back and forth.

"What is it Mabel?" I ask sitting up, and ajusting my glasses.

"Talk later, get in!" She ran behind my and pushed my back so im sitting upright.

I sped into the shack, to see pretty much everyone in town working on some device. Wendy and Soos were drawing blueprints, McGukkit was working with some tools, and Stan was ordering people to work, and telling them things they need to do.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now