Strolling In The Deep

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'-'-'-'Dipper's POV'-'-'-'

'A stroll? As in outside?' I thought to myself. Bill noticed my gleeful expression and shot up from the seat infront of the piano. He looked down at me, and pulled me close to his side. Snapping his fingers we teleported into the outdoors.

Gravity Falls seriously looked like it could use an intense makeover. Bill let go of his grasp on my shoulder, and stood back. I shot a glance over my shoulder and noticed the Fearamid levitating in the front of the distructed sky. Bill glanced around and scanned the area, probably to see if any more survivors, but we both knew no one was left.

The wastland looked no better then it did before. Bill marched forward and motioned me to follow. Once I caught up to him, there was an awkward silence between the both of us. Luckily, Bill broke the silence and decided to ask some questions about the luxury of my new home.

"So, how do you like Fearamid?" He asked and decided to float infront of my eyes.

"Uh, well its nice. Better then I thought actually." I said looking down at my black sneakers. For some reason, its been hard to maintain eye contact with Bill.

"Good to hear! And no radioactive rats are trying to eat your flesh and blood right?" He asks.

"Well, no- WAIT WHAT?!" I yelled stopping abrupt in my place.

"Ha! I'm just messing with you.. probably." He crosses his arms and looks at me with a smirk plastered across his face.

The last thing I said for the while was "Ugh," and there was silence.


I skipped along the streets, for a while. Bill and I didn't make conversation, we just stayed in complete silence. It was starting to get a little.. awkward. Gravity Falls was usually the loudest place in history, but now the streets were silent, the people were silent (because they're all turned to stone), everything was silent.

After awhile, I felt strange being outside. Something was telling me to go back to the Fearamid, and curl up in my room. I pushed that feeling aside, and tried to enjoy the time out I had with the triangle demon.

I realized the weather hasn't been as terrible as usual. I always enjoyed sunny days, but rain and storms haven't bothered me either. I walked along the streets, and looked over my shoulder to see Bill walking with a light smile and his eye closed.

"It's.. kinda nice out.." I said, ignoring the giant gaping tear in the sky that is trying to destroy the human race (atleast it was partly sunny).

"Uh, It isn't my taste." Bill shrugged his shoulders.

The conversation ended there. I looked over at the church in ruins, and unessasary thoughts came to my head.

'Why am I still here? A town I know and love is destroyed, and I- a thirteen year old child- cannot do a thing about it? Why on earth am I even staying? I could probably run along and find Mabel before Bill catches me.'

Bill raised an eyebrow, and looked down at me and noticed I was deep in my thoughts.

'But then again.. what's the point! We'll probably die anyways! He'll just follow me and kill off everyone one-by-one...'

I paused, and grabbed ahold of my arms as if  I was freezing to death.

'Do I really want to leave though? The deal was my family would be safe and I would just stay in the Fearamid. I doubt-even if I escape now- I could save everyone else.. Stop, think about yourself, not the others.. The place is nice, he isn't treating me at all like a prisoner, he even lets me come out of my room and see the place, with no questions asked.'

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now