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.-.-.Soos's P.O.V..-.-.

  Well shoot.

  "This is terrible!"

  What in the world happened anyway??? I made my way through the crowd of other bodies, pushing slightly on ones who refused to move.

  "Dudes, I just woke up. What did I--" I cut my sentence short.

  "Stan!!" The name escaped my lips before I could stop it.

  There, laying on the table in what used to be the living room, was Stan and Ford. Beaten, bruised, and bleeding.

  "Are they okay?!" I quickly asked. A very perturbed Wendy turned and glared at me.

  "Let's see, they're bleeding everywhere, basically unresponsive to us, and they were left outside with who knows how many infections." Wendy grabbed my shirt collar and shook a bit. "Do you think they're okay!?"

  "Yeesh, okay, okay, I get it!" I flinched and held my hands up in a surrendering fashion. "How can I help?"

  "Everyone, out!!" I looked at the tight group of people huddled around the two. They yelled for everyone else to go and wait as they tried to help Stan and Ford.

  "Dudes, I can--" I was cut off by a gruff voice, probably Wendy's father.

  "Everyone, out! You may be a repair man, Soos, but I don't think you can fix this!"

  I made my way out of the room with all the others. My mind was pretty much blank from all that. That is, until I saw Mabel. She was completely stiff in place, staring into the room where her two great uncles were. Tears were falling down her pallid face. From her angle, all she could see were her great uncle's hands, hanging off the tabels their bodies were placed on, limp and unmoving. Pacifica stood beside her, trying to say something to coax her away from the scene. I took a couple more paces toward her and kneeled down. I opened my mouth to talk, but Mabel finally snapped back to life. Or should I say, Mabel finally snapped.

  "No!!" She screamed. I was taken back by her sudden tone, and frankly so was Pacifica. Mabel covered her ears and shook her head, grabing onto her hair.

  "Mabel, I--" Pacifica tried to put her hand on the said girl's shoulder, but she pushed it away and sped off toward the door. I watched as Pacifica chased after her, trying to say something to get her to stop and calm down. Mabel refused to listen to anything the blonde girl was trying to tell her, and she opted her attention to a table near the end of the couch. She picked up a piece of paper and scanned through it with her eyes. They lit up like Christmas lights as she clutched the note tighter. Pacifica raised her voice and grabed Mabel's sweater collar, but that didn't seem to stop Mabel from bolting out the door, ripping her beloved sweater in the first place. I made my way over to Pacifica, who stood there motionless, still clutching the ripped fabric.

  "What was on the paper??" I asked. It took a moment for her to respond, and I just assumed she was either trying to process what had happened, or she didn't know how to respond.

  "It was Dipper's note."

.*.*Mabel's P.O.V.*.*.

  I will get my brother back.

  I will get my grunkles back.

  I will get my family back.

  I dashed through the forest, as I remembered the easiest path to the Fearamid. Any part of me that was happy has officially left. First my brother makes a deal with a freaking dream demon, then one of my best friends is killed, and now my great uncles' survival is probably just about as likely as a bald guy using a comb. Bill. He's the source of all these... these.. problems. He's the root of all the evil and hatered I've been feeling.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now