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:=:=:=:=:Dipper's P.O.V.:=:=:=:=:

  I sigh as I walk out of the room, once again in my own body. Jeez, I told Bill to not do anything to my body, yet I'm still sore!!! I took a right into another corridor, looking down at my saturated clothes.

"Jeez, all this from some tiny squirrels?! What did he do, take a bath in their blood--" I cut off the rest of that sentence. If he did do something that barbaric, I'd rather not know. Then I stopped. How many did he kill? Were squirrels the only thing he killed? With all these questions blazing in my mind, I called out.

"Bill!!" I practically screamed. My voice cracked in the middle of yelling that, but that was the least of my concern at the moment. Almost instantly, an all too familiar voice rang out from behind me.

"What is it, PineTree?" Bill asked. I turned around to face him, he of course was in his human form.

"Just how many squirrels did you kill?" I ask, taking a tiny step back.

"About... hmmm.... four? Three? I can't really recall." He responded, leaning back on his heels. I cocked a brow.

"All this blood from only three or four squirrels? What else did you murder?!" I pressed on, pointing an accusing finger at the blond in front of me.

"Nothing, really." He responded. Now I was getting angry.

"Bill, all this blood wouldn't have came from just three or four squirrels!! There's too much!!" I yelled, making obscene hand gestures to my bloodied clothing. He sighed.

"Look, kid. All I did was kill some squirrels, that's all. I was in a tree trying to get another one from a high branch, but the branch I was on snapped and caught me off guard. I fell to the ground, thus making me fall on top of the squirrel corpses. Blood squished out and it got more on your clothes." He explained. I blinked.

"S-so you.... you didn't kill anything else..?" He shook his head no.

"O-oh... sorry for accusing you.." I looked at the ground, a little ashamed of myself. He smiled.

"Well, now that that's all cleared up, how's about you go get cleaned." He said, looking toward his study.

"Yeah, you're right. I'll be back." I said, starting off to the bathroom.

"Bye PineTree!" Bill said before teleporting to where ever he was before hand. I sigh. I suppose I'd better get around to a shower.

()()()()()Candy's P.O.V.()()()()()

I stare in complete shock at what I saw before me. It was horrible. I couldn't move. I couldn't think straight. I couldn't function correctly.

"M-M-MABEL!" I yell out.

"Is he there?! Is Dipper okay?!" She asked, running towards where I stand.

"Don't come any closer!" I yell, not wanting her to see this... this... monstrosity.

"What why?! Is something wrong with--" she cut herself off, standing right beside me. The next thing I hear is a blood curdling shriek from Mabel. I stared on as we looked at our mutilated friend.

"G-Grenda..." Her name could barely leave my throat. Mabel broke down into raged sobs.

"W-Why?! Why?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to comfort her, but as soon as I opened my mouth, the words died on my tongue. I was frozen in place.

Suddenly I heard frenzied footsteps coming closer and closer to our destination.

"Girls!" A gravely voice called. It was Stan. I didn't move or make any attempt to. I was glued to the spot. Who could do something like this? Why? And where did...

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now