Full of Suprises

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|\|\|\|Ford's P.O.V.|\|\|\|

I watched as my twin brother walked out of the room. His words kept repeating in my mind like a broken record. 'If there's one thing I know, it's that two heads are greater than one... and that Mabel and Dipper's bond is the bond we never had after that one incident.'

Why did those words sting so much? I can tell you some of the Earth's most precious things, but alas I can't even begin to comprehend this.

I stood there, desperately trying to stop the consistent playback recording of his words, but to no avail. I just stood there, staring at the floorboards for what felt like forever. Then a hand came down and placed itself on my right shoulder, gently, like a butterfly just landed on me. I looked up to see a shaggy bearded man standing before me, giving me a concerned and saddened glare. I sighed and straightened myself up.

"Hello, McGukkit." I said, standing straight and looking down at him. He looked away and stroked his long snow white beard.

"Well uh, hey... Ford.." He said, not meeting my glare. I sighed.

"Look McGukkit, is there anyway you can forgive me, from all those years ago?" I said, trying to stay calm and not show all my worry about everything. About Weirdmagedon. About the future of the world. About the townspeoples' fate. About my grandniece and grandnephew. His light gray eyes looked up at me, and he, too, straightened out his posture and smiles weakly.

"I've tried forgettin', but how's about I try forgivin'?" He said, holding his arms out in a pleasant gesture. Gladly I accepted and hugged the "old coot". He ended the friendly hug and replaced his pervious concerned and sad glare with a determined and glad glance.

"Now, as much as I would like to catch up with ya, we've got a town to save!" McGukkit exclaimed, slamming his fist into his open palm. I nodded in agreement.

"We should start by getting the kids back." A rough, gravelly voice sounded from behind. I looked around to see Stan leaning against the door frame.

"Well then what're we all waiting for?? Let's get to buildin'!" McGukkit shouted. Stan grunted and walked out of the room. I sighed and looked at the ground. 'I hope Mabel and Dipper are both safe...' Just then I felt a bandaged hand take my own and I looked up and my old friend. He gave me a warm look and gave my hand a squeeze.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. Them kids have been through a lot, I don't see any reason why they wouldn't be fine this time." He gave a reassuring grin and I smiles back.

"You're right. Now let's get to work."

»»»»Bill's P.O.V.««««

After my little encounter with Shooting Star and Pine Tree's little nightmare gone good, I decided to take a nice stroll through the town ruins. I whistle an upbeat tune and swing my cane around. I float around a corner just in time to see another eye bat turn yet another survivor to stone. Chuckling darkly, I turn to look back at the Fearamid. 'Ah, how I admire my work...' I thought and I kept looking at the pyramid of nightmares and horror. I could've sworn I saw somebody looking out the giant Triangular gap in the one side, and upon further inspection, I realized it was just PineTree. He was staring out the gap forlorn. 'Perhaps now is the time to show him my newest version~!!' I hummed and snapped my fingers. The town ruins, the sky, everything else drained to black and gray tones, leaving me and PineTree the only things left with color. I teleported inside the castle and floated up behind the brunette.

"Hey PineTree~!" I said in a sing song voice. The said boy jumped out of his skin - not literally. But it would've been funny! - and turned to face me. My eye arched up indicating a type of smile, and PineTree just sighed.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now