Sorrowful Encounters and Confusing Comforts

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·>·>·>Bill's P.O.V.<·<·<·

My eye widens as PineTree and I turn around. A low tempered growl emits from my throat as I grit my teeth. Of course, the one person I didn't want to see at a time like this.


Of all people, it had to be Six Fingers.

I know he'll try something. He'll try to take PineTree back. But what Ol' Fordsy doesn't know is that his nephew and I made a deal to ensure their safety in exchange for him to live in the Fearmid. I show a tiny little smile and I greet my old friend.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ol' Sixer."

«»«»Dipper's P.O.V.«»«»

My eyes widen and start to tear up at who I saw.

Grunkle Ford.

Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no. He's gonna try to take me back! I know he will!

But why am I saying 'Oh no' to that? Isn't that what I should want? Shouldn't I want to go back, to go back and see Grunkle Stan, Soos, Wendy, and Mabel? To go back and go home? I should be trying to run back to him, leaving this sick and twisted demon behind and running back, but yet I'm not. I'm not running back, my feet are glued. And my family? They're safe and sound, I shouldn't ruin that just to try and escape. And my home? The Fearamid is my home, as I've come to know it.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Ol' Sixer." I hear him say. And by then I have made up my mind.

'I can't leave. Nor do I have any intentions to do so.'

·>·>·>Bill's P.O.V.<·<·<·

I look down with a still widened eye as I stare at PineTree. Yes, I was reading his thoughs, and I was relieved I wouldn't be having to clean his blood off my gloves from breaking our deal. I let a small smirk creep onto my face as I turn my attention back to Sixer.

"N-no... this can't be.. BILL!!!!!" Ford yelled, dashing toward us.

"Ah, ah, ah. Not so fast, Sixer." I say, pointing my index finger at him and encasing him in a bubble. He looks around, and I can tell he is completely engulfed in rage.

"BILL!!!! Put me down and let my nephew go!!!!" He yelled more, pounding on the walls of the bubble. I laugh hysterically until I feel a slight tug on my sleeve. I stop laughing and look down at PineTree, who stared back up at me. His face went red again and he cleared his throat.

"Bill, let him out." He said. My glare softened as I remembered his thoughts about how he wouldn't try to escape or run. I sighed deeply and obliged. I let the kid had the floor now. Fordsy took a step toward PineTree.

"Dipper... you're safe..." he said, for some reason seeming to lack breath. PineTree stepped back. Fordsy stepped closer to him again, and yet again, the kid stepped back. Sixer stopped and looked at him, utterly confused.

"Dipper...?" The old man said. The said boy looked back at him sorrowfully but quickly looked away.

"Grunkle Ford, I..." He lost his words.

"Dipper, it's me. You can trust me. I'm going to rescue you from this filthy dream dem-" Sixer's sentence was cut short by his nephew.

"No Grunkle Ford!! No... I-I don't need to be saved or rescued! I'm fine, and so are all of you!" He said, clenching his fists and squeezing his eyes shut. His face was still a little red, but I think it was for a different reason than other times.

"What do you mean? Of course we're all okay." He said, taken aback by PineTree's sudden outburst. Honestly, so was I. I didn't think the kid could interject his "idol".

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