Strolls Always Help

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»»»» Bill's P.O.V.««««

  I waited until PineTree was asleep, safe and sound in his bed. I checked in on him and made sure he was having a good dream, to which he was. I snapped my fingers and appeared in my human form. I smiled and floated to the throne room and over to the giant gap in the wall. Without hesitation, I jumped out and landed gracefully on the ground below. Grinning to myself, I snapped my fingers and held out my hand, only to have my cane fall into my palm. Nonchalantly, I strolled down the tattered streets of Gravity Falls - or what's left of it, that is. -

I looked up to the Weird night sky, without any stars, just a big tear with all kinds of weird monstrosities coming out.

'What a wonderful sight!' I think to myself as I sigh happily. I continued my little late night escapade. It was nice to just float back and admire my work. I stopped strolling/floating and grinned wider than ever.

"Maybe I'll take PineTree with me to go sightseeing!-- But there's one problem: the Pines Family and the other survivors." I mumble the last part and place my hand on my chin thoughtfully. I shrug and laugh.

"If anything, they'll remember the little note PineTree sent and - if they know what's good for them - they'll let us be." I chuckled darkly but quickly shut myself up. 'Nononono! I can't be thinking about hurting the Pines! That's against our deal!' I stay quiet for a long time as I start to float away again, but it isn't long before more thought can through my mind.

'Hmmm.... well, I suppose if PineTree wants to go, then we can.'

'After all, the kid's been seeming a little uneasy... maybe a stroll will help him.'

·*·*·*·*·McGukkit's P.O.V.·*·*·*·*·

After the little moment with Ford and a moment of working on our plans, I stepped outside the Mystery Shack and looked around. Strolls always helped me, even if it is the apocalypse. I took another measly step forward and stub my toe on something.

"Aw, donkey-shpittle!!!!!!" I yell. Almost as fast as I could, I threw my hands over my mouth and glanced around. I adjusted my green lenses, but to my fortunate surprise, I saw nothing. Absolutely nothing.

'Now, that there is a lil' suspicious....' I think, trying to come up with a reasonable solution as to why I heard no screams or maniacal laughter. I gulped and stroked my beard to straighten it out.

'Is it possible that that demon got everyone else...?' The thought sent shivers up my spine as I recalled faces I have yet to see in the Shack. Lazy Susan, the Corduroys, the mayor, Shandra Himendez, the names kept coming and coming. I shook my head and glanced back at the Shack door just a few paces behind me.

Again, I tried to walk forward, but I stubbed my tie again. I held my bandaged foot and jumped, as this time hurt more than the first time. After sending a few hillbilly curses into the atmosphere, I did what anyone would do, and I looked down to see what in tarnation is stopping me from stepping out a bit more. I studied the pile and gasped softly.

It was a pile of things we asked Dipper to go get from the town ruins.

  Quickly, I gather everything and head back into the Shack. How did Ford and Mabel miss this stuff when they went out??? Ah, never mind that. I'll find out later if I don't forget.

"Hey everybody!" I yelled, kicking the door closed as everyone in the room stopped and looked at me.

"Lookie here! Dipper got the things we've been needin'! Now we can finish!!" I shout excitedly, dropping the tools and whatnot and slapping my knee. What? Just because I'm a mechanical genius, doesn't mean I'm all too right in the head. I mean seriously, I've had my memories erased! Mabel smiled at me as did Ford. I saw Ford glance down to my beard and cock a brow.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now