Good Mornin'

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'-'-'-'-'Mabel's POV'-'-'-'-'

Over this entire occasion I realized how much Dipper has done this summer, and how horrible he must be feeling at this very moment. I though about turning back to go get Grunkle Stan and Ford, but that wasn't an option now.

The Fearamid felt like an arms length away, but how to get to the entrance? I have no clue. I slid on my heels, down a steep dirt hill, and finally came to the Fearamid. I looked down at my socks, and saw my trusty grappling hook sticking out of the left one. Instantly, I took it out and shot to the triangular hole in the wall, sadly this was what Grunkle Stan would call a 'close but no cigar' moment. I grabbed my brunette locks and gritted my teeth. This is going absolutely terribly, I ran up to an empty building, and shot my grappling hook to the ceiling above. Luckily it caught on, flung me to the top, then injected back to its original state. The Fearamid looked much closer now. I soon realized there was no way to get any closer than I already am, I couldn't break in so I had to do probably the dumbest thing in the world.

I jumped off the building and slid down the drain pipe and ran up the hill. I turned back to make sure no one saw me then; I screamed. As loud as possible, to attract any monster, Its the only way to get to the Fearamid. Soon enough, I heard a group coming over, and I stopped abruptly. Instead of just any monster, I got the biggest, meanest monster of all.


I took one last glance at the town hall clock tower before he made his way to me. The clock was dusty, but still in use. A quarter after one, luckily the sun hasn't rose.

"Well, well, well, what a surprise! It took you long enough, I was starting to get bored!" Bill cackled, flying closer to me. "Shooting Star, listen, you know I can read minds, why did you think I didn't know what you're plan was? I know why you're here."
At that, I was silent. He already knows why I came, he won't take me to his stupid Fearamid, so whats the point?

"I want to see my brother right now." I clenched my fists as if I was preparing to kick him and his army out of the century.

"Kid, its almost two in the morning, why on earth would you want to pester your brother at this time, you'd just wake him." He asked, leaning on his cane.

"He probably isn't even asleep! He's probably terrified! You will take me to him right now." I stared at him dead in his eye, for once in my life I am not playing around.

"You know kid, your brother is endured with our deal. I would rip out your intestines and use them as decorations for my christmas tree, but Pine Tree wants your family to be safe."

"So, let me see him. Now."

"Sorry Shooting Star! No can do! I still dispise your family and all you idiots are worth! Woah, look at the time, I best be going!" And at that he disappeared.

I kicked a stone under my foot, and it glided into a trucks window. I aggressivly marched over to a boulder and layed on it. 'Stupid Dipper, we would've lived through this deal or no deal, why in the world would he make some stupid deal with a demon?' I shot up and sat on my knees, looking up at the stars. The twinkling lights in the sky -surprisingly- put me at ease. The moon was full, and across the sky shot a shooting star: one of my most favorite sights to see. I sighed, at times like these I sang to calm myself down, only soft enough for me to hear.

"Good mornin', good mornin'..

We've talked the whole night through.

Good mornin', good mornin' to you..

Good mornin, good mornin'..

Its great to stay up late,

Good mornin', Good mornin' to you.."

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now