What About the Future?

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)()()Ford's P.O.V.()()(

  "Stanley!!!" I shouted, dodging a flying piece of asphalt.

  "Ford! Watch out!" He yelled back, I looked behind me only to see a giant, red, isosceles triangle holding a gigantic piece of the used to be street. I jumped out of the way and rolled as I hit the ground.

  "Hey Fez," Bill said, his voice sounding like nails on a chalk board. "send me a letter from Hell!!" Without any warning, he threw the chunk of asphalt directly at Stan.

  I screamed out my brother's name as the world around me whizzed past. Colors began to blur and fade in and out as the weight of gravity began to pull me down. Before I could manage to sprint to my sibling and help, the world and it's blurry colors went to black.

_._._.Dipper's P.O.V.._._._

  "B-Bill!!! Bill!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, hoping he could hear me. But alas, all my attempts failed.

  "O-oh god... Oh god!!!" I saw him pick up a giant piece of the street and throw it. I gasped, hearing a distant cry from my great uncle.

  I have to get down there. I need to stop Bill. I need to help my Grunkles. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed, looking out the gap and down at the torn buildings below. My eyes widened as I saw a fairly large building. It was brick, and about the width of a street away. It was still standing (surprisingly) and it was taller than the surrounding structures, which had all long since perished and crumbled into nothing. I took a deep breath. If I am to get down there and stop Bill, I have to jump. I scolded myself for the semi small anxiety attack I had given myself as I contemplated jumping.

"Come on," I whispered to myself. "if  you've jumped from a cliff to Gideon's gigantic robot shoulder, then you should be able to jump from the Fearamid to.." I paused for a moment, reminding myself of just how crazy I actually sounded.

"Send me a letter from Hell!!!" Bill yelled. I gasped and took a few steps backwards.

"Bill!!" I screamed as loud as I could and ran towards the gap. Before I was about to reach the hole, I stopped myself and looked back and at a tiny cage, hanging a few feet from the odd citizen thrown.

"Gideon." I said, runing over to the cage and jostling the door. The said fat boy jumped up and began dancing again.

"I-I'm sorry Bill!!!" He yelled, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Gideon stop, it's me," I said, finally rattling the cage door open. Gideon took one step out and gazed at me like I myself was Bill.

"Pines...? What're you..." Gideon sputtered and eyed me weirdly. I sighed and gestures to the open gap.

"Leave. Escape. Go. Hurry."

"Why? What's goin' on??" I tilted my head down and looked at him through my bangs.

"I don't know if this place will be standing later on."

I walked away from the white haired boy and stood in front of the Fearamid's large window. I breathed shakily and ran towards it. From behind I heard Gideon yell "what're y' doing?!" but I couldn't care less. Getting to Bill was the only thing I cared about now. With that last thought in mind, I jumped off the ledge of the triangular window before my anxiety got the better of me. I kept my eyes on the building and yelled random words into the thick air. Dear baby Jesus, this was such a bad idea. I gasped as I realized just how bad the plan really was. Not just because of the risk I was putting myself into by jumping, but also because I forgot just how tall the building actually was, and I was now plummeting toward the side and not the top like I intended.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now