Exploring the Unknown

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:-:-:-:Stan's P.O.V.:-:-:-:

After hearing what I said, Ford seemed to loose some of the tension in his posture as he kept looking out the door Mabel ran out of. He was still as stiff as a board, but hey, it was at least a little looser. Then almost imminently, Ford's rock still posture returned and his glare quickly snapped towards me.

"So you're saying we should just let our grandniece out there to rescue our grandnephew from a
dream demon??" He said, emphasizing "our" and "dream demon". I scowled.

"You don't know what those kids accomplished through the summer, Ford! Because you weren't there to see them! But who was there? Me! Who was there for those kids when the nose of our last mayor was filled with lit dynamite as they were trapped inside? Who was there to take them fishing? Who was there to watch as they defended the shack against Gideon? Not you, because you were stuck in another dimension! That reminds me; who saved you? Again; me!" I yelled, pointing a finger at him. He backed away, still managing to keep a straight face.

"Stanly, this town is just too dangerous!! They... they're just kids, Stanly; they may have been strong before, but this time... it just won't happen. And about the portal, I told you it was too dangerous!! You shouldn't have attempted something so... so stupid!" He yelled back, pushing my finger away and instead pointing at me. I let a low growl escape the back of my throat.

"Yes, Ford. This town is too dangerous. But not if they work together! Throughout all the time I've spent with the kids, they always stuck together no matter what!! And they always made up when things got bad," I looked him directly in the eye. "If there's one thing I know, it's that two heads are greater than one... and that Mabel and Dipper's bond is the bond we never had after that one incident." I spat. I turned around sharply, not waiting for his reply. I walked to the door frame which lead into a room with other people trying at help McGukkit. Before I walk into the other room however, I glance back to see Ford giving a look of both shock and sadness. I frowned and continued my way.

'They'll be okay. It's Dipper and Mabel we're talking about! Not even Bill can break them apart...'

»»»»Bill's P.O.V««««

'Poor, poor, Shooting Star...' I think to myself as I walk- more like float- the hallways of the Fearamid. I chuckled, swinging my cane around. 'She has no idea that I intend on keeping this deal. FOREVER.' I laughed a bit as I heard a shrill shriek come to an abrupt halt after echoing throughout the town. I continued floating down the long stretch of corridor when I heard some people talking. I hummed in concentration, listening in.
"Gideon! What happened?!" I can already tell the two people are none other than PineTree and Gideon. Gideon told Dipper how I found out about him helping them and sentenced him to a lifetime of dancing.
"I don't wanna be cute anymore!!" Gideon cried out in pure agony from nonstop dancing. I held in the urge to laugh out at his pathetic plea. But I kept quiet as I heard PineTree lower his voice in a hushed manner.
"I-I'll find someway to get you out!" He said in a sort of whisper yell. Almost like he knew I was listening. I growled softly. 'You better be thinking of making a deal to get him out..'
I heard footsteps getting closer, and I immediately came out of hiding from behind a corner, pretending to have just popped up. PineTree comes dashing down the corridor, almost running into me at full speed. Although I don't think I would've minded.. the pain would've been hilarious! The kid froze in place and gasped.

"B-Bill!" He sputtered. I chuckled.

"Happy to see me, PineTree?" I ask nonchalantly, pretending I didn't over hear their little conversation.

"W-Well, u-uhm-m..." He seems to have lost his words, and he's shaking like a leaf. I hold a hand up between us and spoke.

"Yeesh, PineTree, no need to timber." I said, elbowing him. He caught on a moment later and let out a little awkward chuckle.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now