Take it Slow

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000Fair Warning: the following chapter will contain smutt. I will put a warning when it starts and a warning where it ends.000

º.º.Bill's P.O.V..º.º

  The lights were dimmed in the book filled room. The only light that allowed me to read properly was that of a small, poseable lamp that sat on the corner of my desk. I sighed and flipped another page of the book. 'Welp, it looks like I did everything right...' I sighed once again and flipped another page, scanning over the lines of text. I slammed the covers shut and smiled.

  "Yep! Everything was done right!" I chirped, heading to the door of my study.

  The hall was dimly lit by the rays of light that peeked in from the early morning sun. I made my way down the hall, down to PineTree's room. The door was closed. I put my hand on the knob and twisted it slowly, not wanting to make too much noise. The door crept open, filling a small sliver of the room with light from the outside. The sliver of light fell perfectly on PineTree's sleeping face, allowing me to see his features. His face was peaceful and calm, his one cheek that was on the pillow squished against his face, and his mouth was agape ever so slightly. His cuts and wounds from his little "adventure" have since healed, thanks to my help. He must have fallen asleep waiting for me to return, because after all, I did tell him I'd be back in five minutes.

  "More like fifty.." I mumbled aloud.

  Apparently looking back at the books I've read to make sure I did everything right takes longer than five minutes. I sighed and smiled, pleased that PineTree is at peace in his bed.

  It was close to early morning, and I decided to just sit and wait for the kid to wake up. The throne room was empty. Everything was still and silent, even the breeze coming through the gap in the wall was silent. Silence... wait.. silence? My eye opened a bit wider, and I grimaced.

  "Gideon." I spoke, my voice booming and resonating throughout the room. I half expected to hear a yelp and the sudden clattering of his shoes against the cage floor. No answer.

  "Gideon!" I yelled this time. Again, no answer. Not even a whimper or a tremble from the cage.

  "Gideon!!" I said, demanding to know where in the hell he went off to.

  That's when I heard it. A little cry out in the streets. I looked out of the triangular gap and to the town below. Over to the left, Fez and Fordsy were laying down, either really hurt or really dead. I growled, not only at my still growing frustration for the two, but soley because I saw a certain pile of overly glossy white hair waddling closer to them. I straightened my back and snapped my fingers.

*-*-*-*Gideon's P.O.V*-*-*-*

  "Wait, Dipper!!" I shouted. The crazy boy was headed right for the big hole in the wall!

  "What're y' doing!?" I yelled again, hoping to grab his attention before he did something regretful.

  Dipper hurled himself out the "window" in a frenzy. I ran to see what he was trying to do. It seems he was trying to jump to the top of that one tall building, but he must've misjudged the distance. I gasped and grabbed at my "neck". It was only then I was once again reminded of the lack of my amulet. He barreled through a window, and I flinched back and screwed my eyes shut as I heard the breaking of glass and groans of pain.

  "Ooch," I muttered, opening one eye to look at the window and the limp body on the other side.

  I shivered and turned around. I have to get down there somehow! But how? What would I even do? I looked to both sides. To the right, there was a dark hallway. On the left, there was another room with a tiny sliver of light. I ran to it, only to find it was a candle. That leaves me no choice. I have to check the hallways.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now