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*+-+*Stan's POV*+-+*

Bill teleported back to our exact location. Ford and I waited about a half an hour with a mob of henchmaniacs around us and we were about to go get Dipper ourselves. But not a moment to soon, Mr. Bill Cipher appears infront of our eyes once again.

"Haha, well, sorry boys I had to help your nephew with an.. Issue, he's been having." Bill cackled.

Ford and I made breif eye contact, not using words to figure out what Bill might be trying to say.

"GIVE US OUR NEPHEW OR WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO GET HIM OURSELF!" I yelled the thought of loosing your child is hard enough, what would I tell their parents? 'Sorry to tell you, but your son got taken hostage by an evil triangle and youre daughter had to watch her best friend die.' I know I'm crazy, but not INSANE unlike this wise guy....

Ford without hesitation, shot a warning shot skimming Bill's side. Ford began to reload as quick as possible. For me, the world began to slow down. This is a life or death situation for the both of us and even the kids, and if anything happened to them because of ONE mistake from us... No, I can not think like this, not now they will be fine Mabel always told me to be positive and I am sure going to stay by that rule until I get them back.. Then maybe just MAYBE the world will go back to normal..

"Nice shot Fordsy! Maybe a million more and you'll leave a scratch! AHAHAHHAHAHA" He cackled, knocking me out of my thoughts.

Ford aimed once again, his hands began shaking intensly by the look on his face he was aiming right into his pupil. Ford shot and Bill fell back, his formation began to turn dark crimson signaling that he's cross..

"Or you know, maybe one more shot.. What are those bullets made of? I'M STARTING TO GET ANGRY."

I shook my head and without hesiation, I attacked him with my brass knuckles straight into his eye.


He sat up abrupt, throwing me into a nearby tree the sound of my spine cracking shot up into my body, my legs began to numb but Ford kept his stance right their his gun aimed at Bill my vision began to go fuzzy and my eyes began to feel heavy, I couldn't pass out! Not now I have to much to do, dear god please let me live! My nephew is in there!

But to no avail the world began to fall black and I passed out..

*-*-*Dipper's POV*-*-*

As soon as I gave him that kiss Bill disappeared. I couldn't help but feel guilty, my entire family has been affected by this this is all my fault.. I wish I can just see them I want them to be safe but a sudden urge shot through me giving me the sense that they are all in danger and its my fault...

I looked out across the town, this entire world isn't safe because of me.. My entire family could DIE even though I made a deal to keep them safe.. Not from Bill, but from themselves..

The sound of a gunshot firing blasted across the woods. I looked down to see Bill in his normal tirangular form sprawled across the grass and his appearance began to turn into a dark red.. Uh oh...

Bill sat up, flinging a figure across the woods flinging him into a nearby tree. I was aghast, his body just laid there and the other figure who I assume is Ford just stood there with his gun still pointed.

Before I could yell anything Bill roared; " THE DEALS OFF!"

My knees began to buckle as I fell to the floor. Now everyone was in trouble and I couldn't do amything about it.

K so I owe an apology, its not cuz of marching band its just cuz im lazy I'm not into this fandom anymore but comma i HATE leaving books unfinished so Alice and I plan on finishing this book and maybe work on another one ( of a fandom or something that we are actually into ) thanks for all the support even though I'm never active I love all of you!!

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now