hello its Katy :^)

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As you all know Alice and I have had this story for a really long time (you all seem to really enjoy it!) And were almost at 50 FREAKING K, WE COULDNT ASK FOR ANYTHING MORE!!! We love you all so MUCH and couldnt ask for a better audience! We thought this story wouldn't go anywhere but look at it now! We're starting high school this year and Gravity Falls hasn't been on our mind that much lately (doesn't mean we still don't like it!), so we feel the need to finish this story up. I'm glad you all are still supporting us!! Love you!!

If u wanna follow us on instagram you can!
Katy's is nintendoparadox
Alice's is 0ellipson0

Xoxo~ Katy

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now