The Love Doctor

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Ok, ok don't be mad at me... Ok you're most likely mad. The reason this took a hell of a lot of time to update is mainly because of marching band. Alice and I are now starting competitions until November and that took up all of our week on top of school and violin practice, and I'll be honest I'm kind of lazy. BUT the chapter is up now! Thanks!!

*-*-*Dipper's POV*-*-*

  I awoke in my bed to the smell of food being cooked in the other room. As I hopped off my bed and began to stretch out my arms, I remembered what I was going to ask Bill today.

  The dining hall had a beautiful breakfast laid out. It consisted of human food, and some sort of meal with purple slime and eye balls.. Must be Bill's meal. Bill sat at the very end of the table, assusming I should sit at the other end.

Once I took my seat, however, I realized Bill was so far away I'd almost have to shout if I wanted to ask something. Bill said 'Good morning', but it was barely audible.

"What?!" I shouted.

  Then, I saw Bill snap his hands and the dining table was chopped in half. Most of the food disappeared into thin air, and the table became a lot smaller. I was sitting a good distance across from Bill now.

"Sorry, about that. That food was for my minions, but it's all okay because I don't really care if they starve, ahaha." He smiled.

"O-oh, okay, well good morning." I said.

He nodded in response. We sat in silence for a bit, I was almost finished with my pancakes when Bill decided to speak up.

"Didn't you have some questions you wanted to ask me, kid?" He placed his fork down and looked at me.

"Yeah, I wanted to know, why did you need my body to kill squirrels" I retreated my eyes from his, afraid that if I look back he'd kill me.

"Because you're body is more.. What's the word? Agile, than mine." Bill replied. From the corner of my eye I saw Bill smiling, it looked soft and friendly but he could be doing that on purpose.

I blush and smile as well.

"Uhm, okay, also where were you yesterday?" This question was on my mind the entire time.

"That isn't any of your concern, PineTree." He glared at me. Why was he so angry?

I decided not to push on.

"Also, what do you do in your study?"

"Well, normal business stuff. I have a lot of files to keep on people, you know." Bill smiled. As if he wasn't angry at all before.

Is he bipolar? I'll keep that question to myself.

  A part of me told me he was lying. Bill would never do anything considered normal. Something was up and he didn't want to tell me. The other part of me told the other part to shut up and stop being so paranoid.

  Our breakfast went on normally, I asked a few questions here and there and Bill would respond as usual. I even asked about why his food looked so weird. Let's just say that that was a question I regret being answered.

  As I was about to make my way to my room, Bill put up his hands motioning me to sit back down. I slowly sat back down in my wooden chair, whilst giving Bill the eyebrow. I didn't want to be here any longer, I felt sweaty and nervous. My face began to heat up and my entire body tensed as I sat back down in my seat.

"Y-yeah..?" I asked.

  I realized that if I have something on my mind, I seem more confident, less like a gross, awkward, pubescent teenage boy. Those questions raised my self esteem for just a moment. But now that self esteem is gone, and I'm back into my good ol' self.. Hooray.

{BillDip} Stockholm SyndromeWhere stories live. Discover now