Killing The Bear

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.-.-.Pacifica's POV.-.-.
Mabel ran off downstairs yelling 'possession' more than I could count. By the way she kept flailing her arms around, It wasn't hard to tell she was going a bit mad with her brother not being around.

I ran after her, only to find Mabel yelling at her two great-uncle's about how Dipper was possessed. Their faces were filled with confusion, obviously, but Ford finally spoke up.

"Mabel.." He was hesitant." That's not how it works.."

"Yes it is how it works! You have to shake his hand for a deal a-and also if he wants to take over your b-body!!" Mabel began to yell.

Everyone looked at eachother, not saying a word to the poor girl infront of them. Finally, I decided to speak up.

"Mabel, in his letter don't you think he would've said he was possesed..? Dipper did this to keep you all safe." I said beginning to step forward.

All the heads were faced at me. Normally, I would've loved all the attention, but now I just wanted to help Mabel. This entire apocolypse changed me, but for the greater good. However, I think Mabel needs to get away from everyone and talk to someone who understands loneliness.

Mabel looked around at everyone, in her eyes I could see she was asking for help on her side of the argument but everyone knew I was correct.

The brunette didn't say anything, she just trudged upstairs. Debating on following her or not, I decided she needs someone to talk to about this. Everything is happening so quickly to her, I'd most likely go insane as well.

Just as I put my hands on the door knob to her room, it flung open. A split second later, a sobbing Mabel laid in my arms pouring out every aching feeling inside her. I was never one at helping people, but for Mabel I would be. She has been nothing but kind to me and all I did was bash her and her family.

"P-Pacifica, I'm s-sorry.." She said between sobs. I had no idea what she was apologizing for, but I assumed she didn't either.

"Mabel, calm down.. You have no reason to apologize, I'm the one who should be apologizing.."

Gripping her shoulders as tight as possible, I give her the biggest hug. It was something she needed. We stood like that for a while, just the two of us hugging in the center of the hallway. Her crying ceased, and she sat down beside the chalkboard in the room.

"I don't understand Pacifica, everything keeps getting worse.. If Dipper were here he'd probably be able to fix everything.." Mabel hid her face in her knees refusing to make eye contact.

It was silent for a while. Mabel and I just sat in the corner of the room, enjoying eachothers company without saying a word. The silence began to get to me,however, so I decided to speak up.

"Mabel, I just wanted to say..I'm really sorry for the way I've treated you and your family.. You didn't deserve it. You and your brother saved my life so many times and I took that for granted.. I'm just really sorry.." I looked down hoping she would forgive me.

The girl looked up and put on a small smile. She threw her arms around me once more, giving a heart-warming hug.

"Aw, you don't have to apologize..You've been helping me with my emotional problems, and being all-in-all a great friend.. That is all I could ask for right now." Mabel stated softly.

I was in shock, never in a million years would I think of Mabel calling me her friend.

For the next hour, Mabel and I sat in her room whilst talking, playing with eachother's hair, and talking about our plans for when this ends.

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