Chapter 3

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Luke kept dragging me farther and farther into the woods; the trees continue to stand tall, and the tree-house is no longer in my sight. Thoughts are racing through my head, and my heart is pounding against my chest. I have no idea where Luke is taking me. His words scramble in my thoughts as I try to grasp for a logical reason why everything will make sense soon. The trees start to thin as we enter a clearing; a small meadow in the middle of the woods, full of bright green grass and flowers. The flowers in the meadow are brightly colored, seemingly to be dancing in the wind and sunshine, happy to be alive. A small pile of rubble lays in the middle of the meadow, out of place. Why would Luke bring me to this place?

"Where are we?" I ask Luke, and he cups his hand around my mouth; my breaths create condensation along the inside of his palm, and Luke looks at me sharply. He slowly raises his hand and holds his finger to his lips, covering them, telling me to be quiet. My lips lock shut as I watch him place his hand on the piles of rocks; he looks around the meadow. Luke is making sure no one is around to see us, and my nerves start to flare up again; my breathing turns ragged and shallow as I whip my head around to look for an escape. I will no go down without a fight. Luke's hand continues to rest on the rubble, and he dips a finger into a small hole within the rocks, and I hear a faint clicking noise. Next to the pile of rocks, a small opening in the grass appears. The feeling of a secret agent movie pops into my head as I watch part of the grass lift into the air, held by thin metal bars, revealing a set of stairs underneath the Earth's surface. Luke motions for me to follow him through the opening, and I follow him closely. His back inches away from my chest; it's dim in this place, and as we walk down the stairs, I wonder what I got myself into. Is Luke a secret agent?

The opening closes behind us as soon as Luke pushes a button at the bottom of the stairs. At the end of the hallway and the stairs, there is a doorway that leads to an open room full of furniture. A table, what looks like a small kitchen, a messy living room, and other various objects; it looks like a home, a home that holds a bunch of lazy teenagers due to the fact that it is a mess. Luke motions for me to follow him again as he leads me, silently, down a hallway; stopping outside of a door to a room, I hear many other voices. The voices burst into a group of laughter, and Luke slowly opens the door, and the bright lights shine over his shoulders as I hide my small frame behind the tall boy. I stay silent, and I ponder at what is happening.

"Luke! There you are! We were starting to get worried!" A voice yells, sounding worried and happy that Luke has returned.

I feel Luke's shoulders and back tense up as the voices in the room go silent at Luke's arrival. I continue to stay hidden behind Luke's tall and built frame, away from the people in the room.

"Calum." Luke sternly says; his tone is strict and sharp, telling me that he is upset, and I start to panic.

"Yeah?" Another voice, different from the one before responds, who I assume is Calum. Calum Hood, one of Luke's best friends, one of the guys I hear whispers about. Calum sounds easy-going and laid back, but little does he know.

"What happened last night?" Luke asks, and I stay behind him confused. Last night?

"Well it was a full moon, so-" Calum starts to explain before Luke sighs loudly, cutting Calum off.

"Not that Calum." Luke snaps at Calum loudly, and the room goes silent.

"Then what do you-" Before Calum can mutter out the rest of the sentence he started, Luke steps away from me, and the blinding lights in the room make it hard for me to see, so I close my eyes.

Opening my eyes, I let them adjust to the lights before the scene around me dims, and the lights do not seem to be so blinding. In front of me, on a couch, is three boys, and I recognize them all. Calum Hood, Michael Clifford, and Ashton Irwin, the guys I hear so many whispers about. They are the most popular group of boys at school, all friends with Luke. Why did Luke bring me here? Calum's eyes go wide as he looks at me with his brown eyes, ones similar to the wolf's. The other two, Michael and Ashton just stare at me with a confused look written on their faces. Calum stays sitting on the couch, his black hair reflecting the dim light softly; his tanned skin looks soft and beautiful as I feel this thumping under my chest; my heart is racing. Looking at Ashton, I smile when I see the bright red bandana tied around his head, curls falling over the bandana, and his smile sparkles as he smiles back at me. Dimples poking out of his cheeks as he smiles. Michael's bright red hair, fringed and damaged, stands out against the others'. His green eyes shine brightly as he looks at me, observing everything I have to offer.

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