Chapter 7

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I sit down in my usual seat for music class, and the tall blonde decides to sit in the chair next to me. Grabbing out my bland notebook and pencil, I wait for the bell by jotting down some lyric ideas This is my typical morning; before the bell, I usually write down pretty lyrics, but I never end up doing anything with them. Just finishing the song, I leave it for the rest of eternity among the rest of the lyrics I have written.

Luke looks over my shoulder, his blue eyes burning holes into my paper and my skin, he skims across the paper,

"Are those lyrics?" He asks me, and I nod.

His hand rests on top of mine, and it sends shivers up my spine, I pull my hand away from his, looking at his face, his eyes are reading the lyrics I just have written,

"May I see?" He asks me, holding out his hand slightly, and I put the notebook in his hand gently.

I quickly stutter out, "They aren't anything special, just thoughts basically."

Luke reads over the words, letting each phrase sink in.
He smiles, "These are actually pretty good, Lililah."

Smiling back at Luke, my pearly whites shine brightly, "Thanks, Luke."

The teacher walks in, and the classroom grows silent. All of us are waiting for instructions, and all of us are prepared. The environment stills, the eagerness of all of us in Music class; we are here to create music. Not for an easy grade because this class is anything but easy.

"Class. Today, we will be doing a big project with a partner. This project will be due at the end of the week. You will have four days to write a song, and then play it for the class. I expect each of you to at least add an instrument to your songs, and the lyrics must be original as well. You will perform it in front of the class on Friday; you may pick your partners."
The teacher sits back down, turning to his computer. The volume grows louder again as people ask their friends to be their partners. A bunch of squealing and giggles come from the back of the room. Three girls from the back of the class squeal loudly as they basically jump out of their desks, running up to Luke. Each of them holding their papers and pencils.

"Hey, Luke..." One of the girls start, and they trail off, smiling, "Can you be my partner?"
I look at her, and smile softly. Her long blonde hair is pulled into a high ponytail, and her outfit screams preppy. Her friends behind her, watch Luke closely as he leans back in his chair to look at them. Another girl, a girl with short black hair, smiles widely, "No, Luke, be my partner, please?" She almost begs, puffing her bottom lip out, pouting as Luke doesn't answer, yet.

The last of the girls steps forwards, pushing the other two girls, her friends, behind her. "No, Luke pick me!"

Luke pulls a kind smile, and I can tell he is forcing himself to be respectful and nice. He tells them all, "I'm sorry girls, I already have a partner."

They all start to pout, letting their bottom lips drop in sadness. One of the girls, the one in the front with curly, red hair, glares at me. The evil stare burns holes into my eyes, but I just watch Luke with a confused look. Since when did he get a partner? He hasn't moved from this spot, and no one has asked him to be their partner besides the girls.

The girl with the long, blonde hair twirls her hair around her finger as she takes a step forward. "Who is your partner?"

Luke wraps his arm around my shoulder, leaning his arm on the back of my chair. He smiles to the girls, "Lililah is."

I softly smile at Luke before looking at the girls. They stare at me in anger, but I shrug it off. I didn't even know that Luke and I are partners for this project, but I didn't mind. I mean, Luke is in Calum's pack, and I kind of am their Luna. Right?

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