Chapter 28

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The forest of cherry blossom trees around me sway, letting some of their blossoms fly away in the wind. I look around the forest, no more paths are present, the mountain is gone, I cannot smell the burning logs from the cabin, and I cannot hear the waterfall. All I see is the peaceful forest around me, the podium is no longer here either, and I understand what is about it happen. The goddess must have chosen that I will die, just at the prophecy tells.

The area shimmers and glitters brightly, and this time, when she appears behind me, I could not feel her.

"You seem to be enjoying yourself, wolf."

My head whips towards the sound of her voice; the goddess stands tall and proud in front of a group of twelve people.

"Wolf, these are the gods who created me." She bows her head, and they slowly walk towards me.

"Wolf, we hear many great things about you," Goddess Juno tells me, and I bow my head in respects.

"As have I."

Jupiter, the god of the sky smiles at me, "You, my dearest, have been blessed."

"As I am already aware."

Diana, the goddess of nature smiles widely at me, "Yes, but now we have blessed you again, my sweet child. We have decided that you deserve a second chance, and no death will be in exchange for yours. You are a strong wolf, a warrior at heart. Your witchery combined with your angel abilities, blessed by us, have made you stronger than we ever could imagine. Your brother, is no longer tainted by the darkness, and has been blessed too, his abilities are in full show. You must teach him how to control it. The goddess, Luna, has taken quite the liking to you, wolf. Your pure heart is something we admire."

"Thank you" I respond.

They gods disappear within a blink of an eye, and Luna stands beside me. "You may return to your mate, Wolf. Send my thanks to your pack for everything they did to protect you and me."


The room is dark, and the air is thick and shallow. I try to sit up, but am stopped by something being above me. It then strikes me what is happening, I am currently inside of a coffin. I pound against the lid, screaming for help. I hear nothing, no footsteps, voices, or sounds. The strength I need flashing through me, and I break the lid of the box. Dirt, starts to tremble into the coffin, and I claw my way to the surface.

Why am I buried?

Once I reach the surface, I notice my surroundings right away, I am in the meadow. I let out a laugh of happiness, and I make my way to the rocks, finding the familiar hole within them, and the button hidden inside of the hole. The hatch opens up, and I descend the stairs. The hideout is dark and freezing, the area looks abandoned. I walk around the hideout, but I could not feel the presence of my pack anywhere.

Where are they?

Outside, I hear the roar of an engine pull up, and with excitement, I run out from my bedroom to the entrance. Clicking the button, I watch the hatch open, and the light shine in. Running out into the meadow, I see Luke's car. I cannot see Luke, but I can feel him. Like a bullet, his sorrow hits me. I turn, and I see him standing above a grave within the meadow, and I let out a cry.

Luke turns towards me, and I fall to the ground, my knees welcoming the Earth beneath them. As soon as he sees me, he tall blonde runs to me, holding me tightly to his chest. As I sob, he tries to soothe my ache and my pain. After what feels like hours, he holds me out at arms-length.

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