Chapter 27

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By the time I leave Calum's bed, the sun is starting to go down, and I could feel the goddess grow in strength as the moon starts to rise. Her power is raw and pure, strong and hopeful. She has sat quiet all day, allowing me some time to myself, especially as I was consoling Calum. The hideout is dark, and I know that soon, the pack will be thriving. Tonight is a full moon, and they all are going to be preparing for the shifting. In my room, I change into clean clothes, knowing that they will be lost in the wilderness when I awake, if I awake, that is. Opening the hatch, I leave the hideout, the meadow is clear and gorgeous as always. I take a couple of steps away from the hideout before laying down in the grass and flowers. The goddess soothes my aching muscles as she continues to prepare herself about what is to come, knowing that somewhere, a dark soul will try to stop her.

The flowers dance in the slow wind, and the grass wiggles to an unknown beat. The moon rises higher as the sky grows darker, and I welcome the full moon with an open heart. The stars shine brightly, and they twinkle in anticipation. The gods above, watching over what will happen tonight. The hatch opens, and the pack stands outside of the hideout. They too appreciate the beauty of the night sky, and the moon. We all stop to listen to the sounds provided by mother nature, and the cool air tickles out skin. Luke walks up to me, holding out a small letter. After I take it from his hands, he returns to the pack, leaving me to read it alone.

The day I met you, I felt something for you. The moments we shared are ones that I will never forget; always stained and engraved into my mind at every moment. When I saw you climbing down the ladder of your old, and somewhat ugly, tree-house, I thought you were my mate. Yet, I was wrong because you were my Alpha's mate. You're my Luna. And with this, I have come to understand that this world, is more than just Witches, Werewolves, and Vampires. There are hybrids, gods and goddesses, angels, demons, and so much more. My life, before meeting you, was boring, and normal, but then I met you. After I met you, there was a spark in my life, and I felt new things I never did before. Love. This feeling, I thought I could only feel for a mate, but you proved to me, that even the darkest souls, like mine, have a chance at love. With this, I admit to you, that before I became a wolf, I was dammed as a tainted soul. When we met, it was my goal to use you for power, and then I fell for you, and allowed your pure and clean soul, rid me of my disease. Which you did. You saved my life, and for that, I thank you.
Yours truly,

I look up from the letter to see Ashton walking up to me. His arms wrap around me, and I assume he starts to say his goodbyes.

"Lililah, I sure as hell hated you at first, but now I thank you for everything you have done for our world, and for me. Without you, our pack would be lost. Even in our world, we knew less about it, until you came along."

Ashton holds onto me tightly for a few more minutes before letting go, and Michael makes his way over. Michael slides his arms around me, and holds me tightly against his body. I can feel the goddess quake in the back of my mind. The full moon is nearing its peak, and soon, we will shift.

"I'm not going to say goodbye because that means this is real."

With that, Michael leaves. Calum looks over at me, eyes full of sadness and sorrow, and I slowly walk over to him. The alpha picks me up, and hugs me tightly, holding me close to his body. I can feel his sadness ripple through him and into me, but I cannot let that stop me from my destiny. Calum sets me down on my two feet, and he looks into my eyes,

"I love you Lililah."

The full moon nears closer to its peaking moments, and I can feel the goddess surfacing.

"I love you too Calum."

She is now in control. With a blink of an eye, my eyes are no longer my own, and my body feels empty because I am just a voice inside of my head, and she is the one in charge. I can feel my body shift into that of a wolf, and she howls with excitement, today is her day. Around her, Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum all shift. Calum's wolf stares at Luna's and he bows his head to her, the whole pack follows his lead. Luna bows her head in return, before perking up to the sound of wolves entering the meadow. Today the battle behinds.

A wolf, similar to my own, white with brown eyes, enters the clearing. Dark energy pours out of the wolf, and on either side of him is Jessica's and Raymond's wolf. The dark wolf with red eyes, cackles when he sees Luna. Raymond knew that this was going to happen, and that is why he kidnapped Demetrius in the first place.

The dark energy of all of these dark wolves surrounds the meadow, and I feel Calum's sorrow turn into fear. Luna wants to fight, but I try to urge her to spare the lives of my pack by sacrificing me now, letting the dark forces perish as she does so.

Thankfully, she listens, and she takes the opportunity to release my purity and hers combined, allowing all of the dark energy to perish, and those who are only tainted, are cured. Those who are surrounded in the dark energy, they perish along with the energy. A bright white light is released, and everything seems to stop in time. Luna's energy stops time, and I feel her pain of sacrifice occur.

The bright light flashes, and then I am laying on the grass in the meadow. Above me, lays the dark night sky, full of stars and now clouds for them to hide behind. My job is done as I feel my body slowly start to shut down, so much purity released at one time takes a lot of energy. This energy is fueled by my body itself. So, as the energy is being used, my body is dying.

Calum scrambles over to my side, and I notice that he isn't in wolf form, no one is anymore. My mate shakes my body, yelling for me to stay with him. I can't die, he tells me. I can't die. As I look into his eyes, I see everything I need to let go. I see her waiting for me, the goddess has decided what is going to happen. 

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