Chapter 17

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I wake up in a dark room, and my head pounds. I sit up, and I notice that I am on a dirty cot on the floor. Where am I? I look around the room, it's small, and there is no windows. The door is large and metal, but there is no knob. Had I been kidnapped? I stand and feel a tug at my wrists; my hands are chained together, and I start to shake of fear. What is happening?I hear laughter outside of the door, and it opens with a loud creak. Standing in front of me is a large man, his muscles rippling beneath his shirt, and without looking at him too much, I could tell he was the leader. His hair is dark and greasy as if it hasn't been washed in a few days; his eyes are stone-cold and grey. He stands in front of me, and with a small push to my shoulder, he sends me flying back onto the cot placed on the floor.

"Hello, beauty. How was your nap?" His voice is sharp and taunting, and I roll my eyes.

I sit in silence, not looking at the man in front of me, and I guess it upset him because next thing I know, his hand flies towards my face. His palm strikes my cheek, sending my face into the cot, and I let out a cry.

"I asked a question, and you will answer to me. Now let's try this again." He squats down to look closer at me, and I watch his eyes glaze over my body.

"Hello, beauty. How was your nap?" He repeats with a louder, sharper voice.

"Great." I snap, looking down to the floor.

I can feel his smile as he chuckles, "You are such a feisty one; I might have to keep you around instead of killing you."

As I look into his eyes, I could tell that he is pure evil. This man is definitely the Alpha of the evil pack. Luna in the back of my mind whimpers as she looks at him. A wolf so evil that even the goddess herself is afraid.

"Where am I?"




He looks at me with a smirk, "You, you are going to be my mate."

I look at him with a confused look, and he just laughs at me.

"My beauty, you see, the world is a shitty place. There is no way to fix it, and it is dark. Full of creatures you wouldn't believe of. Werewolves, witches, vampires, demons, angels, and more, but I guess you already knew that didn't you?"

He doesn't wait for my response, and continues, "Well, I am a werewolf, love. An alpha to be exact, and I strive to have the most power. I believe I killed both your mother and father too; their power was delightful, love. Your mother, strongest witch I have ever seen, and your family sure did love you. Your brother, such a brave little boy; he came out of hiding to protect her, he made to be a great warrior. His power is like no-other, except for you, and I am hoping you will join him and us. But, your father, he took forever to find, and so did you. He did a great job at hiding you and your powers, and his too."

"His?" I whisper, "My father didn't have any powers, he wasn't a witch."

"Of course he wasn't a witch, but I guess you know what I'm talking about, right? He knew of the magical world because he was a hybrid. Half werewolf, half angel. Stronger than your mother, was he. I guess you never knew of his powers did you?"

My father was a werewolf. The thought clicks inside of my head; every full moon, he'd tell me that he had a date, and he'd ask me to go out of the house. The basement that was always empty, but full of claw marks. It all made sense as soon as I read the letter he left to me when he died.

The man continues on, "Your brother, however didn't inherit your father's powers, but you did. Love, not only are you a witch, but you are part werewolf and angel. Sure, your powers were hidden for so long, and I bet you never shifted either, but that is because of your witch abilities. They hide away your true nature. Why do you think you are mates with that other alpha? Only werewolves can be mates with another werewolf, but you are a hybrid, and should never be able to have a mate. It is against the true nature of wolves, unless you are blessed by the moon goddess herself, I guess. Then she would have given you a match like any other wolf, but damn, if that wolf is the pathetic alpha you call your mate, I will be doing you a favor by making you mine. "

I just sit in silence and shock, and the man smiles at me.

"I was tempted to kill you for your powers, but you would make such a beautiful and strong luna for my pack. My powers combined with yours, we would be unstoppable. A demon ruling with an angel; sounds fictional, doesn't it?"

"Demon?" I squeak out, and the alpha lets out a low laugh to me.

"Yes, in fact, I was born a demon, and became a werewolf when I was young. I searched the world for a rogue wolf that would bite me, turn me into one of them. She did, and today she sits in my pack, and does my bidding for me. You probably know her. Jessica."

"How old are you?" My voice strains out in a whisper.

"Ah, my love that does not matter, you see, the powers of your family have kept my looks young, for that I am almost a hundred years old."

"But Jessica? I thought her and Calum grew up together?"

"That's because they did, I shared my powers with her, and made her a pup again. Her heart and soul are as old as mine, but when we found you, we wanted her to be young and ready to kill. Her strength is great, and she knows many who can help her. How do you think she seduced your mate? She spelled him, with the help of a witch, and now he sits with his pack, without a clue. Ready to kill them with a flick of a switch."

"Who are you?"

"My name is Raymond, but you can just call me Ray, love; soon you'll understand everything."

"You said that I'm an angel?" Playing dumb, I ask him this, hoping that I can surprise him later by using my strengths.

"Yes I did, and that means you are holy, love. You have been blessed by the gods, and charmed with the beauty of an angel too."

"You also said you are going to be my mate. How does that work? I already have a mate."

Raymond laughs loudly, as he stands.

"You know nothing do you, love?"

I look at him, and shake my head.

"When an alpha finds his mate, they are bound by magic from the gods, a force that is strong. Yet, an alpha's mate can be stolen from them if they have yet to seal the deal. Another alpha, like me, can swoop in, and steal the other alpha's mate, and if they were to seal the deal, the other alpha loses his mate, and the one who stole the mate away, earns the mate as his."

"What do you mean by seal the deal?"

He smirks, "Well, Love. I doubt you and Calum, as you call him, have yet to do so. There is a tradition set by the gods, for an alpha and his mate to be bound, there is a sort of ritual that takes place. The alpha and his mate, must engage in an activity, and I guess you could say that they must have sex, but the alpha must bite his mate, and then he must drink her blood. The mate must bite the alpha in return, and this completes the bond. This binds the two mates together, and after doing so, the alpha and his mate cannot be separated."

"What about a normal werewolf and their mate?"

"They are already bound together since the day they are born. No magic can separate them. But love, your mate is an alpha, meaning, that you are mine to take, and I plan on doing just that."

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