Chapter 10

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Michael holds out his hand for me, and I gingerly let him guide me to a standing position. Pulling my hand away from his after I was steady on my two feet, I started to head back to the school. Michael starts to follow behind me, his footsteps loud, and I can tell that he won't let what happened between Jessica and I go.

"Lililah, slow down, please."

I hear him call out from behind me, and my strides begin to quicken their pace; I just to go home and be alone right now.

"Lililah!" Michael yells, and I stop my movements, looking at him.

Michael jogs up to me when he realizes that I had stopped walking. He stands in front of me, putting his hands on my shoulders. I look into his green eyes. They are full of sorrow and annoyance. I am annoying to him; maybe it'd be better if I just went home. Michael shakes my shoulders a bit, making me pay attention to what he has to say.

"I don't know what happened because I can't force you to tell me, but when Calum finds out, you know that he will make you tell him."

I nod, knowing that Calum would find out eventually, and Calum would try to make me tell him. That was why I plan on staying away from the boys tonight. It's not like it'd be too hard since all of them have been avoiding me today, except for when Michael heard that I was in trouble. At least someone cared for me, and that person was Michael. He lets go of my shoulders, and I continue to walk into the school, heading straight for my locker. I grab my backpack along with all of my homework that I have been given so far. I shove the books and papers into the red plaid bag before I sling it over my shoulder. Slamming my locker shut, I look around noticing that Lunch Period hasn't even ended yet. Students are roaming the halls, lunch room, and the courtyard. I'm walking to my next class, hoping that I can get there before the bell rings so I don't run into Jessica or anyone else.

In the corner of the hallway, I hear a girl's giggle pierce the silent hallways. Her voice lets out a laughter and the words,

My eyes drift over to the end of the hallway, and I see Calum looming over another girl; his arm resting on the lockers next to her head. Their noses almost touching. The girl is hidden from my view, and she starts laughing at something he said, and then I watch the girl kiss him. Their faces hungry for one another, and with each kiss I let out a growl. Anger burns inside of me, how dare he. He just cheated on me, his mate, his one and only; how could he do such a thing? The girl peeks over his shoulder, and I realize that it is Jessica under his arms. It takes all of my strength to tear my eyes away from the scene. I close my eyes briefly after I feel the tears starting to gather; my feet stumble as I walk quickly out of the hallway. Wiping at my tears with my sleeve, I refuse to cry over a guy. Turning my back towards them, I start to head to the office of the school. After I enter the room, I smile kindly to Mrs. Beasley, one of the secretaries at the school. She smiles at me, her bright white teeth showing and the wrinkles in the corner of her eyes form as she smiles.

"Hello Ms. Olson, what can I do for you?"

"Hey, Mrs. Beasley, can I call my father? I am feeling very ill, and I think it'd be best if I went home."

She nods, handing me the school's phone. "Do you want me to call the school nurse too?"

I shake my head, "It's just a small cold, if I went home to rest, it'll be better by tomorrow morning."

Mrs. Beasley nods, and I call my father; Mrs. Beasley stands up, leaving the office, letting me have some privacy. This hasn't been my first time in the office, typically it was because of different reasons, but all stays the same.

My father answers the phone, "Hello?" The confused tone in his voice strikes me right in the heart, and I begin to break.

"Hey Dad, can I come home? I don't feel too well..." I trail off, hoping he would understand what i was trying to stay.

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