Chapter 6

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 Calum, Luke, Michael, and Ashton were all talking to each other, whispers passing between them. The quiet words exchanged among them, and I was too busy to pay attention to what they were saying as I watch the grass blades shake in the wind. The muttering in the group silenced, and blinked as Calum nudges me. Shivers run up my spine as I look up into his eyes, endless browns and earthy colors, warm and soft; something inside me stirs. I notice, the entire group staring at me with wide eyes.

"Lili?' Calum asks, and I blush as I realize I'm staring, wordlessly in front of him, the thoughts of the grass and it's beauty fading from my mind.

Struggling to catch my words, I stutter, "Yeah?"

"Did You hear what I asked you?" Calum asks me with a I-know-you-weren't-paying-attention look, I shake my head, the curls flopping from side to side, shaking as I did.

"No, sorry. I was distracted." My words are quiet.

Ashton scoffs quietly, and Calum glares at Ashton. If looks could kill, Ashton would be six feet under.

"Do you want to hang out with us later? We are going to go out for pizza." Luke asks me, cutting off what Calum was about to say, and the alpha glares at the tall blonde in annoyance. Tension hangs in the air between the pack, Ashton doesn't like me, Calum is upset with Luke, and then there is Michael who listens quietly. I shrug, looking Calum in the eyes, I could get lost in his eyes, a deep emotion of want and lust building inside of me. I feel like I am a new person when I am around him. I look at Luke, who smiles at me kindly, his smile sparkling. I smile back to him, is it bad that I feel something for Luke too? How is that possible? Aren't I Calum's mate?

"Yeah, I would love to, if it's okay with you guys."

Ashton looks at the rest of the pack, almost pleading them to oppose, but no one dare says anything. He groans softly, glaring at me. Ashton definitely does not like me. Calum smiles at me, his eyes twinkling; I smile back at him.

"I guess everyone is okay with it! So, tonight at 7 we are going out for pizza."

I nod, taking in the information, smiling, "Alright, sounds good."

Turning to walk away, Calum grabs my wrist. I look behind my shoulder, and smile at him softly. Calum smiles at me once more, and brings me closer to his body. Wrapping his arms around me; giggles erupt from me, bursting into little whispers of a laugh, muffled from my face buried in his chest. His shirt rubs against my clothing, the material scratches against each other as he hugs me. His chest squishing my face as he smothers me in his affection. I mutter against him, begging him to let me go, but all he does is laugh. I push my head away from his chest to say,

"I'm going to go to my locker, if that's okay with you."

Calum pulls away from me, looking into my face, "That's okay. Do you want me to come with?"

Shaking my head, I look down at the ground. My shoes stand out against the sidewalk. I suddenly feel nervous, his serious stare, his eyes, watching me quietly. He is waiting for an answer.

"No, that's fine. Stay with your friends."

Calum releases me from his grip, and nods, letting me go to my locker. I start to walk into the school, the pale floor and walls blend into each other, nothing bright or colorful. After I leave Calum's side, I instantly feel so alone. Alone, although I have been alone for many years, finally having a friend made me never want to feel that terrible feeling again. Loneliness is the worst thing, I have released. Now, because of Calum, people have started to notice me, and they are taking note that I am no longer latched onto Calum's side. Their stares return, girls and guys looking at me like I am a pack of lunch meat, and they are the hungry wolves. Burning, I can feel the burning sensation of their stares that leave me shaking in fear. Would anyone approach me?

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