Chapter 25

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The cherry blossoms welcome me, as if they know that it is almost time for my departure. No new path has appeared, but a marble podium, with a letter placed on top of it, has. Typically, no sound can be heard, but this time, the wind is loud and the trees rustling leaves are too. The waterfall is loud, the smell of the burning logs from the cabin lingers in the air, and the cold temperatures from the mountain taint the area. The senses consume me as I slowly make my way to the podium. Step by step, the blossoms and leaves crunch and crumble underneath of me, but this time, I can hear it. The podium glitters in the sunlight, and the letter does too.

Picking up the letter, I open it carefully, as I did to all of the letters.

"You are the chosen one."

I look up, and the sky shines brightly, a large, glowing light surrounds me, and I feel the warmth of it. Pure and clean, it covers me entirely, clearing away every wound, every bruise. The glowing light covers my body completely, like a cocoon. I can feel her presence on the outside of the light, the shell that is surrounding me.

As the light slowly disappears, I gain my vision back. In front of me, stands a woman with bright white hair and deep purple eyes. Her presence is full of hope, happiness, and purity. She smiles softly at me and the light around me disappears.

"What do you think, Lililah?" She motions to me, and I look at myself, but I could not see a difference.

She lets out an enchanting laugh, and then I feel the ruffle of the wings. I have wings, like an angel. I look over my shoulder, and sure enough, large, white wings have grown out of my back.

"I love them." I respond to her, and she smiles in response.

"Good, but your wings is not the only thing I have brought you here for."

I tilt my head in confusion, "Then why am I here?"

"I have come here to make you an offer."

"An offer?"

She nods, and her long white hair, bobs with her movements. Her purple dress, one made for a goddess, shimmers as she moves closer to me.

"I have never met a hybrid so strong, nor have I met one so pure like you are. I would like to make you an offer, one only meant for you because you are of such strength and rarity."

I nod a slight amount, as if to urge her to continue, but one cannot rush the goddess.

"Your brother, Demetrius, he is the one that is tainted, correct?"

"If that is what the prophecy says, then yes."

She nods, understanding what I am talking about, "I'm here to offer you a second chance."

"A second chance?"

Luna places her hand onto my shoulder, and her eyes search mine, "When I purify the world, which is something I do, through you, I am willing to not sacrifice you, but instead sacrifice him instead. You get to live out your life with your mate, as his pack's luna."

"What would happen to me after you purify the world?"

"You would simply die, but I would resurrect you, taking your brother's life in your place. This act would balance the forces, pleasing the gods, and a pure soul, such as yours, continues to roam the Earth instead of a tainted soul. Your natural wolf would return, and I would no longer be a voice inside of your head, you would no longer be able to feel me, and you will be in complete control again. My mark, however, will forever remain. Your wolf will look like me, a white wolf with purple eyes, except one of your eyes will be that of your normal color, brown."

I ponder at the offer, but I do not know whether it is something I would like to accept.

"You are hesitant?" She asks, and I look down to the grass and the blossoms that lay upon it.

"I don't know how I feel about taking a life, when mine is the one that should be taken."

She nods, understanding every word I say; "I was like you once, when I was a youngling, my soul was so pure, that I could not harm a butterfly, yet here I stand today, a goddess of both the moon and the wolves."

"What happens to Demetrius?"

"He will forever rest; his soul will reunite with your family's."

I still hesitate, the answer not fully clear to me, and she stops me from answering, "No worry, wolf, I will choose for you. That way, you cannot blame yourself for what I choose. Tomorrow is the full moon, prepare wisely. When I return you to your body, when you awake, your pack will be afraid for you. What I did was absorb the pain, your mate was causing, and when I left, it all came to you, in a crashing force, enough of a force to knock you unconscious. I had to do this to bring you here. When you return, your wounds will not exist, your angel abilities are in full force now. You cannot be wounded, and when you need protection, your wings, invisible they are to any person except an angel, they will be by your side."

With that, she leaves.


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