Chapter 15

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It's been a week since that day. My thoughts are whirling in an endless loop of possible meanings. It's been a week since Jessica told me that I'm next.

I'm next.

Luke enters the room, my room. The pack felt responsible for what happened to my father. They had taken their instruments out of the instrument room, and they made a place for me to call home. Every living second I spend reading the spell books. I practice the spells every day; their words burned and etched into my brain. I'm practicing as Luke sits down in the bed the boys bought for me.

"You've been getting better." Like states as he watches me conjure small flickers of flame from my palms.

A day ago, there was nothing but lost hope.


I furrow my eyebrows ask try to focus harder. I feel the energy surge through me. Like a firework, it all sparks to life. A flame roars from my upturned palms, and I squeak from excitement.

"I did it!" I exclaim happily, and Luke smiles at me.

"You did it."

Michael runs into the room, "I heard screams... Is everything okay?"

I nod, my smile growing wider, "I am learning and gaining skill fast, Michael, it's amazing!"

He smiles at me, "look at my little Lililah! Growing up so fast!"

Michael fakes wiping a tear away, and Luke chuckles at my eye roll. Michael leaves, and Luke looks at me.

"Have you talked to Calum lately? Or are you still avoiding him?"

I look at him, giving him a 'you already know that answer' look.

Luke laughs at the look I'm giving him, and he answers the question for himself.

"Avoiding. Definitely avoiding."

I nod, "I'm still caught up with what Jessica said to me Luke, and sure, he's my mate, but I can't. Not right now."

Luke takes my hand and looks at me in the eyes, "I understand Lililah, I do."

I shake my head, "it's more than that Luke. It's just not about Calum, but I also found out I'm a witch and some weird hybrid wolf thing. What else don't I know about myself? What about the world of inhumans? Vampires are real. Werewolves are too. Witches are, so what else could be? Angels? Demons? Sirens? Medusa?"

I don't look Luke in the eye as I say the words Angels and Demons because I know they are real, Luna always talks about how everything is very real.

Luke lets out a chuckle, "you're thinking about it too much."

"Am I?"


I shake my head and continue testing out spells, but my energy feels low. It drains your energy and powers using magic, but overtime I will grow stronger. I know I will. Luke patiently watches me practice until he eventually leaves my room. I miss his presence instantly, and Luna scolds me. She wants me to make amends with Calum because she claims he is the key to everything, and that he is our mate. We must forgive the loving Alpha. I ignore her thoughts and comments as I continue to practice the magical spells. Luke wanders into my thoughts, and I find myself daydreaming of him a little. I harshly scold myself mentally before there is a knock at the door. Luke has returned, but not alone.

"I'm doing this for your own good." Luke states, and leaves.

I look up, and all I see is my beautiful mate. Calum.

"I know you don't want to-"

I stand up, interrupting his words, "No. Don't. Just leave."

Calum's head droops lower as he nods and turns to leave, but when he tries to leave the door doesn't open.

"No. You guys are going to talk this out. No one is leaving." Luke's voice is harsh and demanding and I can't even begin to wonder what he did to lock us in here.

Calum looks at me with soft kind eyes, and a voice inside screams of want, I know that it is Luna screaming. I want him. We want him. I yearn for him. As if he read my mind, his hand touches my thigh. Softly grazing his fingers against the fabric of my jeans. His touch heals my emotions of constant fear and worry. I feel at peace, that is, until he started to speak.

"I'm sorry."

My eyes snap to his face, watching the words leave his mouth. I was left speechless, just listening to what he had to say.

"I don't know what happened honestly, I don't remember much of it. I hope you realize that you are my mate. I'd never want anyone else. I'd never find another. It's my job to keep you safe, not to hurt you."

I nod.

His sigh is audible, "Lililah, say something."

"I don't know what you want me to say Calum. You hurt me. Jessica threatened me. My father is dead because of this shit. I found out I'm a witch hybrid thing. I'm not exactly in the greatest position of life right now."

"I want you to accept my apology and let me show you that you're my mate, and I'm yours."

"Calum...." my voice breaks as I couldn't keep myself together. I continue, "you were mine when you went behind my back."

His hand pulls away from my thigh, and I forgot it was there in the first place;

"I don't know what more you want me to do." His voice is low and full of sorrow.

"I want you to help me find those who hurt my father. I want you to help me stop Jessica and whatever she is planning."

His voice hitches as I said her name. His eyes flash red, and a growl escapes his lips; "What did you say?"

The look I was receiving told me to ask Luke to open the door, but I kept going anyways; "Help me stop Jessica."

That was all I was able to say before Calum's hand was wrapped around my throat. I pound on his chest, and I struggle to breathe. His eyes are pure red, dark and angry. Growling was erupting from deep within him, and it ripped through the air like toxic. Fangs were protruding from his mouth, sharp and keen. My lungs were giving out, and my efforts to escape his grip lead nowhere.

"Help." I was able to squeak, and within seconds, Luke had opened the door. Calum was thrown to the floor.

"What the actual fuck is wrong with you Calum?!" He screams, and the other two pack members enter the room.

Terror bubbles inside of me watching Calum cower under Luke, Luna is angry at Luke for hurting our love, but I want to hug Luke for saving me. A part of me wants to hug Luke forever while the other part wants to slap him for hurting my mate.

"What happened?" Ashton asks, and Luke wraps me into his arms.

"Calum was choking Lililah, he was going to kill her."

Michael and Ashton look at Calum who lays unconscious on the floor; "Why would he do that? Doesn't he know what will happen?" Michael asks.

"What do you mean, what will happen?" I ask.

Michael looks at me, his eyes boring into my own; "If an alpha's mate dies, he dies himself. They are linked, but you're not a wolf, you are a hybrid, so it might be different for you."

I shake my head, trying to rid myself if confusion, "What do you mean he dies?"

Ashton looks at me now, "the pain, guilt, and sadness Calm would feel if he killed you, let alone hurt you, is enough to make him hurt himself. If he were to kill you, he'd kill himself too."

I look at Calum who lays peacefully asleep on the floor, and I can't help but question why. Why would he hurt me? Why did he hurt me when I mentioned about stopping Jessica? Why? Why Me?

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