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"He did what ?!" Cassie yelled . I just nodded my head and took back the rest of my wine . I was at Cassie's nice condo sitting at her kitchen island with her and Tosh telling them what happened this morning at Jason's office. Normally I don't talk about my home life in front of people I don't know but I was so heated that I didn't care. "That's so fucked up ! That controlling asshole! Fuck him Nyla." Cassie shouted. I was use to this talk. I would always come to Cassie complaining about the latest fuck up that Jason did. I'd cry and drown a bottle of her wine, she'd try to convince me to leave him and I would just listen to everything she said promising to stand my ground when I got home but instead I'd always fall back into his trap. Tosh looked at me with that same frown he had on his face since I even started this conversation. "I just want a job . I didn't think that it was a bad thing ." I said softly. "It's not." Tosh finally spoke up. "You have the right to want to go to school and work. If that's what you want than he should support you not be such a dick. " Cassie nodded her head in agreement. "Exactly. He just wants you to need him . He wants some dumb little Barbie bitch he can dress up and control ." Cassie spat .

"I hate her . Since when did he even hire her? We should of talked about this as a couple. He knows I don't like her." I mumbled. I was going to get another glass of wine but thought against it. I needed to drive home. "Fuck that bitch too. Fuck both of them." Cassie said filling her empty glass. "Do you think he's sleeping with her?" Tosh asked me. Cassie took a sip of her wine and watched me. "N-No." I stuttered nervously. "I mean no not that I know of. Jason is an asshole but I don't think he's a cheater. I would hope he would tell me if he did." I said although it sounded like I was confused by my own words. "No. I don't think they did . But I know they have in the past and that's his ex girlfriend but he would never cheat on me. We been together for too long." I said finally and more confident. I saw Cassie rolled her eyes but I pretended I didnt. Tosh was quiet and looked straight ahead. The kitchen fell silent and I just kept looking at my empty glass. "Work for me." Tosh said breaking the odd silence. I looked at him in confusion. "What?" I asked. "Come work for me. I promise to pay you fair and be professional at all times even though I know it's going to be a challenge since your breath takingly gorgeous but I'm up for it." Tosh smiled.  "Work for you how?" I asked suspiciously. "Well as you know I'm an artist and there's this art gallery that will be going on in 4 weeks and I want you to be part of it. Actually I want you to be my muse. My inspiration."  I took in his words and listened. "So your going to paint me?" I asked. "No. Just take photos. Your too beautiful not to be hungup somewhere ." He laughed. I smiled at his sweet compliments. "And all I have to do is let you take pictures?" I tried to clarify. He nodded. "Yes. But only the kind of photos that you feel comfortable with. If you don't want to undress you don't have too and I'm not going to ask you too, it can be sexy if you want , it can be fun. It can be whatever you like."

"I love this idea. Nyla you should definitely do it !" Cassie beamed. "It sounds great. Justin's going be really mad if I do this." I said while thinking of how Justin would react . "Whocares ! It's your life. He didn't want to hire you and now someone else does, it's just business. " Cassie said with authority . "Okay ." I shrugged. Tosh smiled big . "This is great ! Now I'll have an legit reason to get up in the mornings , to see you. " I rolled my eyes playfully at Tosh. "Whatever whatever. Wait until you see me when I first wake up your going to take back this excitement ." I laughed. "I would never regret seeing you no matter what you looked like or had on." My cheeks heated. Again with this flirting. I smiled and shook my head. I was about to say something when my phone rang. I had let it go to voicemail once but I wasn't going to let it go a second time, I knew better than to do that. It was just Justin .

PHONE CONVO - Nyla is in bold and Jason is script :

Where are you
I'm at Cassie's
You need to come home
You have an attitude but you have no reason
No I do have a reason. You were being an asshole
Excuse me ? (Laughs on other end)
You heard me (rolls eyes)
First watch your mouth.Your already in enough trouble as it is. Second you had no right interfering with my work
Whatever Justin
Don't whatever me. Hurry your ass home now

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