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"Jason this is literally the 10th voicemail I sent you . Can you please pick up ?" I sighed into the phone before hanging up. This wasn't right at all. What happened ? We were doing great than all of a sudden he comes strolling out the house with that bitch Melanie. I thought we were on the same page ? It had been 3weeks since he's been gone . I slumped in my seat with an attitude clearly evident on my face. I don't know how much of this I'm going to be able to take . Husbands don't disappear for weeks . Husbands don't ignore phone calls or text messages. I feel like I'm alone in this marriage.

"Nyla don't cry ." I was brought out of my thoughts by Cassie . I took a glance at her and she was frowning at me. We were currently sitting in her home and were waiting to go out to eat with Tosh. "It's not that I'm sad it's more so that I'm frustrated. I just don't understand what happened." I wiped my eyes and stood up . "I'm just so over this . Why won't he just divorce me !" I yelled. "Why won't you divorce him ?" Tosh asked. I glared at him then rolled my eyes . I couldn't even answer that. Tosh closed Cassie's front door behind him as he walked further into her condo. Tosh saw the look on my face and held up his hands in defense. "Okay I was just suggesting." Tosh tried to lightly laugh.

I rolled my eyes and wiped them. "Its not that easy."I mumbled. Tosh just slowly nodded his head and took a seat beside Cassie while she frowned."Guys I swear things were going amazing. Like I just don't understand !" I yelled. I was so confused and angry. Jason literally switched up without a clue. "You think that bitch told him something?" Cassie asked me. "I wouldn't put it pass her ." I groaned."How about we discuss this over drinks my treat?" Tosh smiled . "Sounds perfect to me!" Cassie grinned jumping up from her seat. I nodded my head. This had to get straighten out and pretty fast.

Jason's POV

I laid in bed with Melanie waiting for her to wake up  while I was browsing through my work emails. We were at her place which wasn't too far from mine. This was where I was staying for awhile but I was planning on returning back home . I hadn't spoke to Nyla for the simple point that I just didn't trust myself around her. Here I thought she was being faithful to me but she's been sneaking around with some man . I didn't know how to approach the situation without knocking her out senseless. She's been blowing my phone up non-stop and leaving little pity messages. Clearly she didn't know that I knew she was being a sneaky whore . But I definitely will let her know when I get home.

Melanie started to shift around bed before waking up . When she looked me her smile instantly lit up. "Have I told you how much I love waking up beside you?" She smiled taking her hand and rubbing it on my legs. "Yes you have but not more than I love waking next to you." I playfully challenged before leaning down to kiss her. We kissed a few more times until Melanie pulled away. "Move in." She smiled. I was taken back by her request. "What?" I laughed. "Let's move in together." Melanie grinned. I could tell she was excited. "When do you want me to do that ?" I entertained this idea of hers. "Um as soon as you can ." She said in a "duh" tone.

"I don't know Mel." I said nicely as I could. I saw her face turn red and she rolled her eyes. "Why not ? You've been staying here for 3weeks straight. Like you don't seem like your going back home anytime soon." Melanie argued. "I was actually getting ready to head back there now .." I admitted carefully. I pulled the covers off of me and slide to the edge of the bed. "Ugh you make up excuses ! Why the hell cant you just leave that Bitch !" Melanie yelled. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I counted to 10 to keep my temper in check. When I got to 10 I slowly opened my eyes and saw Melanie looking at me with a confused expression.

"I love you and I been spending my every 2nd with you. I am leaving her trust me . But these things don't happen overnight. It's actually a long process. Some couples don't legally end up single until years . It can be really messy and time confusing . They understand I'm a busy man so they don't rush me with the paper work." Melanie's face softened. "So she knows ?" I looked back at her while I pulled my pants up . "Of course honey . Your getting upset for nothing. Now I need to go home and make sure she hasn't brought any guys into my home." I gave Mel a kiss and finished getting dressed.

The car ride home was a nice one .I finally got a moment to myself .These past few weeks it's just been work and Melanie.I hadn't been home in awhile . Simply because I didn't want to see Nyla in fear of what I might do if I saw her . I knew for sure things would get physical at the sight of her. I still couldn't believe Melanie told me they Nyla was cheating . Her cheating ? I couldn't see it. I would of never imagined it. I wanted to literally kill her but I've been thinking and thinking . I can't just react how I want too react . I needed to know who the bastard was . Everyone knew who my wife was solely because she's married to me. Everyone knows she belongs to me. I made a promise to myself that I'll find who he is. But in order to do that I was going to have to play cool for awhile and investigate. I was going to get to the bottom of things. So in the meantime I'll just act like everything's fine and okay .

I pulled into my driveway and glanced around to see if anything looked out of place. I didn't see Nyla's car in its usual spot. That started to make my blood boiled alone. She never leaves the house.Was she with this new man of hers ? The anticipation killed me so I wasted no time in getting out and running inside. She better have been inside. I closed the front door and saw the  help walking around doing their duties. Yes I hired an actual full house staff so they can keep an eye on Nyla . And also to make sure she wasn't bringing her side piece in my home. I would literally have to move entirely into a new home if I find out she's been fucking in here. The thought made my face automatically twist up in disgust.

"Evening Mr.Smith." My home assistant Tom greeted me .Tom was a young man that just graduated college. He wanted to join my company so he was doing an internship with me. "Have you seen my wife?" I asked glancing around the living room . "She left earlier today to go with Cassie. " Ton clarified. "Carry on." I dismissed walking away. Mad was an understatement. She knew to stay home. It's getting late and she wants to go run the streets. No natter how pissed I was I was not going to text or call her. I wanted her to come home and be surprised by my presence. I wanted me being here to be an complete throw off. That way if she does decide to be stupid and bring the fucker home I'll have caught them red handed ! I smirked to myself at the thought of catching her with another man. I'm sure I'd have to call my attorney right away because I'll murder them both. In the meantime I will just do some work in my home office.

It was around midnight when I heard heels lightly clicking on the floor. I stood up slowly from my desk. I tried to be quiet so that she wouldn't hear me. I wanted to know if she was alone. "Oh my gosh this floor is so loud ." I heard her say . I walked over to the door and cracked it a little. I saw Nyla  walking past my office looking down while holding her arms up and out to the sides of her. She stumbled a little as she slowly walked. "Another lonely night." Nyla sighed. She walked slowly and stumbled here and there. I waited until she was almost around the corner when I spoke up . "It's late don't you think?" Nyla stopped in her tracks and froze instantly .

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