Chapter 7

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Blairs P.O.V
I drive in silence. I pull into the city park. " so what's going on?" I ask. He leans over and our lips touch for the first time. It's so powerful. I put my hands in his hair and kiss him back with everything I have. It's like I'm melting. I feel like I'm floating Into space as our lips move together. I clim over onto his lap and snuggle close to him. It's gentle at first and then he takes control and kisses me harder as he grab my waist. He pulls back and looks at me. He tucks my hair behind me ear. I'm in a daze. " I shouldn't want you but I do" he says quietly as he kisses my cheek. "I don't care if we shouldn't all I care about is that we do." I say as I kiss him again.
I drive him back to Candle light a hour later. We don't talk on the drive back but he holds my hand and rubs circles on my palm. When I pull in I lean over and kiss him on the cheek. He leaves without saying anything. What does that mean? I get home thirty minutes past midnight and I quietly walk in. "Blair breeze Diamond!" I hear my mom say sharply. I flinch. " yeah mom?" I ask. I look over and see her sitting in her chair looking angry clutching her laptop. " where have you been?" She asks. " "out" I say slyly. She practically growls. " mom calm down, you know me and that I wouldn't be out doing something stupid" I say. But she has no idea. She releases a sigh. " I know Blair but normally your home no later than ten thirty" she says. I smile. " I was at the Candle light and then the park." I say. " park?, why?" She asks. " I just needed some time to think" I say. "oh well alright go on up to bed its late." She says . I fall asleep thinking about Nathan and his lips on mine.
I wake up happy and text Gabbie for a beach day. We meet at noon and lay out our towels. Gabbie complains that she needs a tan. She's crazy she has a California girl tan and the beach blonde hair to go with it. I'm the opposite all I do Is burn without sunblock and I have dark brown curly hair. She has blue eyes and I have green. " I can't wait to be a senior this year!" Gabbie squeals. " me either and then college room mates after?" I ask. " well of course" she says. I go to get drinks and see a familiar face. " Nathan?" I say over the rumble of people in line. He looks up from his phone. " hey Blair" he says with a sexy smirk. " what are you doing here?" I ask. He laughs " I can leave the place Blair I just have curfew it's my choice to be there." He says. He adds a swift wink. I laugh along and nod my head. We grab our drinks and he leads me into the ocean. We swim out and Gabbie just stares at us. I laugh. Nathan splashes me and I try to dunk him. As we get farther out he takes me hand. " tell me more about yourself?" He asks. " it works both ways, a question for a question? I ask. He thinks for a second and then agrees. " "you first" I say. " okay, do you have any siblings?" He asks. " no I'm a only child" I answer. " do you?" I ask him. " I had a older brother, he died in a car accident." He says sadly. I squeeze his hand tightly. " what's your last name?" He asks. " Diamond." I say. " and yours?" I ask. " breech" he says. " so your moms the mayor?" He asks. " yeah" I say not wanting to talk about my mother. " where is your family living?" I ask. I know by the look on his face I have hit a nerve. " my mom is dead and I have no idea where my dad is " he says bitterly. " sorry" I say. " don't be" he says. " how are your parents?" He asks. " well they are both here but divorced." I say. " when's your birthday" I ask. "Blair when are you going to ask why I'm in Candle light?" He asks. " do you want me to?" I ask. "sort of just to get it out of the way." He says. " okay Nathan why are you in Candle light?" I ask. " when I was 19 I was driving the car my brother died in." He says. I hold in my gasp. I was really low so I started partying and getting into drugs. One night at this wild party I was high on all kinds of stuff and I got into a fight. The cops were called and they found me out back passed out. So I was arrested and they gave me a choice two years in jail or four months in Candle light. Of course I chose Candle light. It was a great deal.I have been here five months and I choose to stay until I feel like I can handle the world." He says. I swim to him and hug him. He hugs me back and then dunks me under the water. I come up out of the water sputtering. He laughs at me. " no more hugs for you" I say with sass. " oh really?" He asks as he swims to me and hugs me tight. "How about a kisses?" He asks as he kisses.

****** what do you think? Any good? Please feel free to vote and comment I would love your input! Lots of love ~chas~

 (Completed) Half of something else book #1 in the half series.Where stories live. Discover now