Chapter 22

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                   Brendon's P.O.V
I watch as Blair walks through the park.  She looks so beautiful but she also looks sad.  Why would she be sad? She has me. She has all of my love. I step out from behind the tree and walk towards the track where she is walking.   She jumps when she sees me. I laugh. "Skittish are we?" I ask.  She smiles. "Sorry I thought I was the only one here." She says.  "I like to come to the park at night and think." I say. She nods her head. "So why are you here so late?" I ask. She thinks for a moment.  "I needed to get away from everything." She says sadly. I step closer to her. "I'm Here if you want to talk." I say.  "Thanks Brendon." She says.  We walk on.

Blairs P.O.V
I get home from the park at midnight.  I walk up to my room and instantly freeze. I don't know how I know but someone has been in here. My bedspread is rumpled like someone has sat on my bed. Everything else is untouched. I see a white piece of paper on my pillow and slowly walk over.  I gently pick it up and unfold it. I read it quickly. I had to involve her Blair. You just won't listen. If you don't start I will kill them both. I hate doing this but I love you and it's for the best. Someday you will thank me. Once again better not tell a soul or I might have to kill them sooner than expected.  Stay away from him and she won't receive anymore picture. Okay? Lots of love! Till next time. P.S where is your best-friend?
   I stand there in silence. Gabbie? This person has Gabbie? My brain screams go to the police! No I can't they said don't tell a soul.  Tears stream down my face and I lay in my bed with the note clutched in my hand. What am I going to do? They have to be lying but it makes since the scream I heard. I pick up my phone and call Gabbie. No answer. Her parents have to notice her gone. I call Gabbies mom Linda. She picks up after the third ring. "Hello?" She answers. "Linda have you seen Gabbie lately." I ask. "No dear I'm on a business trip for the week should I be worried?" She asks. "Oh no. I just hadn't talked to her today." I say. "Well I have got to go take this call it was nice talking to you Blair." She says and hangs up. I send a text to Gabbie. Gabbie please answer I need to know if your okay I don't care if your mad. Soon I get a reply that sends a chill up my spine. She is doing just fine but she won't be if you don't do what I say. I take a deep breath and type out my response. Please don't hurt her. What do you want from me? I send the text and wait.

 (Completed) Half of something else book #1 in the half series.Where stories live. Discover now