Chapter 1

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I wake up and I'm not sure where I am.  I have a breathing mask on so I take it off and then everything comes back to me. How I blew out the arena and then I was lifted out. 


I need to see Peeta.  Where is he?  I need him. He's the one I love and the one I will always love.

I look around me and see Beetee sleeping.  I get up then see Haymitch, Finnick, and Plutarch.  Plutarch? Why is he here? Ok Katniss no need for stupid questions I just need to know where Peeta is.

"She's gonna lose it when she finds out about the boy" Haymitch says. He didn't know I was standing there.  I had grabbed a syringe right before that.  I walk straight to Haymitch and try to attack him but I'm to weak and he takes me to the ground.  I get zapped with something. Then start to get really tired.  I make out a few words.

"You liar!! You said you would save him. You said you would save Peeta" those were my last words then everything went black.


I wake up and see Gale.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask him. Right when I say it I knew I probably shouldn't have, you know because of all of that.

"The Capitol... They got him" he says.

No! No! No! No this can't be they'll torture him if not kill him!  I should be dead! I should've have just eaten those stupid berries and none of this would've happened. Most of the victors would still be alive, Gale wouldn't have been threatened though I really did love Peeta and still do.  And most of all Peeta wouldn't be in the Capitol.

"Where are we going?" I ask

"District 13" he says

"District 13??"

"Yes I got Prim and your mother out on time" he says

I don't even have to ask he just starts explaining.

"When you blew out the arena, they sent in fire bombs in district 12 but I got them out on time.... Katniss, there is no district 12"

Put this story back up!


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