Chapter 15

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Me and Peeta wake up from our nap from the sound of an announcer.

"Attention passengers, we have arrived in district seven"

Me and Peeta get up and walk off the train. We walk around until we find where they keep the prisoners. We walk in and say we want to speak to Johanna. They allow it and we head back into this room. We sit down and a couple minutes later Johanna comes in and sits down.

"Look who it is, the Two Star Crossed Lovers from District twelve" She says

"Hey Jo" Peeta says.

"How have you guys been?" She asks randomly.

"We have been great, but you maybe not so much" I say

"I'm actually doing good. I like jail"

"Well, we think you would be happier not being in jail" Peeta says

"Probably. They won't let me have my axe" She frowns.

"Well, I can't blame them" I say and we laugh.

"Ok but seriously who did you kill?" I ask

"Can I talk to Katniss alone Peeta?" She asks

"Ummm, yea, sure I guess" He says and gets up and leaves.

"Ok, I couldn't say this in front of him because I didn't want him to have a flashback. But it was the person that hijacked Peeta" I almost lose it as she says it.

"He should've been dead a long time ago!!!!!" I yell.

"I know, they said they found him dead. But he actually faked his death" She says. "And I couldn't let him possibly hurt Peeta, or you, or your new child." She adds

"I'm sorry Johanna" I say

"Why are you sorry?" She asks

"I judged you. I thought you hated me and wanted me dead. But I was wrong, your one of the greatest people I have ever met" I say crying.

"I'm sorry too. I judged you too, I didn't believe your love story. But when I saw you too in the beach I knew you loved each other." She says on the verge of tears. We both get up and hug. I think we both needed someone to let the tears out in front of.

"You know in the quell how you said "I have no one, nobody left that I care about"" I ask

"Yea why?"

"I wanted you to know that I count you as my family" I say

"Really?" She asks

"Yea, and maybe if you wanted to you could move to twelve with us" I suggest.

"I would love to. But just one problem, I'm in jail" She says. Then someone opens the door.

"Not anymore" A peacekeeper says. The peacekeeper have changed a lot. They are all really nice and they wear normal clothes that make them look not so scary.

"What?" Johanna asks

"We heard the whole thing. He should have been dead." He says

"So I get to go home?" She asks

"Yep, also there was someone else listening" He says and then Peeta walks in with tears in his eyes.

"That was amazing what you did for my family" He tells Johanna.

"I would do anything for my family" She says smiling.

"Would you like to be the godmother of our baby. Her name is Willow Rue Mellark" I say

"You want me to be the godmother?" she asks in disbelief.

"Yes, it would be an honor to have you as her godmother" I say

"Then yes! I would love to" she says

We all hug at the same time.

As a family.

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