Chapter 5

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One week later...

Peeta is getting so much better and is gaining his energy back. He hasn't had any more "flashbacks" if you want to say since he first got back. The doctor said I was very lucky because if he had been injected with any more venom it would've been very bad. Peeta got released earlier today from the hospital. We will be sharing a compartment since we are having a baby. Usually district 13 wouldn't let you share until your married, but everything that we've been through its kinda hard for them not to let us share. Peeta doesn't have a schedule because of his hijacking and everything and I don't either because I'm "mentally unstable". We still participate in reflection and we go to lunch, oh and they are letting me and Gale go to the woods to hunt for meat to bring back to the kitchen. But after I become 4 months pregnant I won't be allowed to go. I don't really understand why but I don't question it because I want to keep my baby safe, but this means i only have 2 months of hunting left right now.

I have a check up for my baby today so Peeta and Prim come with me.

I arrive and they take me to a room and I lay on a bed. They put some cold gel on my stomach and take this one thing and rub it on my stomach.

"Well, Katniss we got some new technology things so even though you are only two months we could find out what gender the baby is." Says my doctor. I look at Peeta and he smiles and nods.

"Ok I want to know" I say

"It looks like you are having a beautiful baby girl!" She says. Prim is squealing right now and me and Peeta can't wipe the smiles off our faces.

"Oh my gosh, Peeta! That's our baby girl!" I say

"It's a mini Katniss!" He says

The doctor prints off our pictures and tells us we are good to go.

Soooo kinda short. Next chapter will be longer! Please comment, vote, and share! Thx


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