Chapter 19

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Peeta's Pov

One minute, my life was amazing, and couldn't be better.

Then the next minute my life came tumbling down.

It's not the first time I've experienced this. It also happened at the reaping, when Katniss volunteered for Prim.

And now Katniss is in surgery. I haven't heard anything from the doctors. I yelled at Effie and Haymitch to leave me alone and to leave because they kept telling me everything is going to be ok.  How could say that?  My girlfriend and the mother of our baby is in surgery and we don't even know what's wrong. Effie and Haymitch have Willow with them but I don't know where they are. 

Right now I'm crying silently in the waiting room, waiting for the doctors to tell me I can see my Katniss.  A little girl notices me crying and walks up to me.

"Why are you crying?" She asks in a little kid voice.

"My girlfriend is in surgery" I sniffle.

"Hey aren't you Peeta Mellark?" She asks


"Is your girlfriend Katniss Everdeen?" 

"Yes" I reply.

"She is really strong and so are you, and I know that she will be okay" She says

"Thank you for cheering me up" I say

"Your welcome.  Thank you for saving Panem" She says.

"I didn't save Panem, Katniss did. I was just there to help" What seems to be her mother comes up to me.

"I am so sorry for her" She apologizes.

"She actually cheered me up" I say and the mother just smiles.

"Why don't we leave him alone, okay?" She asks her daughter.

"Okay mommy. Bye Peeta" The little girl says.

"Bye" I say and then they walk away.


One hour later:

The doctors finally come out and I run up to them.

"Is she ok!?" I panic

"Yes she is fine. She actually had food poisoning. But It wasn't your normal kind, it was a Capitol food poisoning.  It was made in a lab and barely anyone has access to it.  So I honestly think someone is out to get Katniss" I break down when he tells me this. Why Katniss?  Why do we have to go through all of this?  Why can't we finally just have a peaceful life?

"Can I see her?" I ask sobbing.

"Yes, follow me" I do and we get back to a room and I run in.

"Peeta!" Katniss exclaims.

"Baby I'm so glad you are okay" I hug her.  She kisses me but then her eyes get more serious.

"Peeta, someone is out to get me" She has tears in her eyes.

"It's okay, we'll get through this" I assure her.

"Where's Willow?" She asks.

"Effie and Haymitch have her somewhere" I answer. The doctor checks her vitals and everything again and says that she can leave tomorrow.  I'm nervous though, I don't want anything else to happen to Katniss.  She doesn't deserve it.  I think I'm going to have Plutarch and maybe even President Paylor to help us.

I just need to keep my two babies safe.

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