Chapter 3

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Oh my god, he's alive! He looks healthy and it looks like he's been fed well. He is doing an interview with Ceaser. 

"So Peeta, what did you think when Katniss blew out the arena? Did you know Katniss was with the rebels?"

"Look, Katniss wasn't in some kind of plan! She didn't know what she was doing!  We had no idea about a plan!!" Peeta shouts

"Ok, ok I believe you, but do you have anything to say to Katniss?" Ceaser asks

At this point I'm standing in front of one of the tv monitors touching Peeta's face

"Yes I do" Peeta starts "I want Katniss to know that I love her so much and she needs to lead this rebellion!" Peeta yells

Then right before the screen goes back I see blood.

No! No, this can't be happening he needs to live. What can I do to help? I know the perfect person to go to.


I find my way to Haymitch's compartment and open the door.

"Hello sweetheart I've been expecting you" he says. He is actually sober for once.

"We need to save Peeta" I say

"Be Coin,s mockingjay"

"What?" I ask

"Look, President Coin wants you to lead the rebellion and to become the Mockingjay." He says

Crap! He doesn't know about me being pregnant. Nobody really does I mean I'm not showing yet or anything. The only ones who know are Prim, Mother, and Peeta.  I told him the night Peeta said I was pregnant on stage. Although at the time Peeta thought he was just making the pregnancy thing up.

"Haymitch, there's something you should know"

"I'm listening"

"I'm pregnant"

He keeps a straight face

"Who's is it" he ask

"Peeta's of course, he's the one that I really love" I say

"Well If you are the Mockingjay you could get almost anything you want. And that could mean protecting the baby for one of your conditions"

"Thanks Haymitch" I say then make my way to see Coin

I get there and tell her I'll be her Mockingjay, under these conditions

1. Peeta will be rescued tomorrow, but she said 2 days that way she can prepare a squad, but I don't care as long as I get my Peeta back.

2. The other tributes and Annie Cresta will be rescued also.

3. Me, Peeta, and my child will be kept safe. She was a little shocked when she found out I was pregnant but she agreed

4. Prim gets to keep her cat. (She grabbed him when Gale was getting them out of 12)

5. I will kill snow.

She agreed to everything. Now I just have to wait 2 long miserable days.

Hey so two updates in one day I'm pretty proud of myself! Lol. Hope you guys like this! Vote, comment and share! I'm trying to get a lot of view on this book!


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