Chapter 7

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The war. It's started.  District 13 sent a bunch of troops into the Capitol. All the districts have rebelled. Even 2. I have been in propos here and there with Peeta and Finnick. I'm 6 months pregnant right now and all of Panem knows.  President Coin said if we capture Snow she will fly me in to kill him.  The only reason I'm not in the Capitol fighting is because I'm pregnant.  And Peeta didn't go because he is going to be a daddy soon.  The same goes for Finnick and Annie, she found out last month that she is pregnant. Finnick was ecstatic when he found out. But Gale. He's there fighting right now.

Right now I'm sitting in a room with Peeta, Finnick, Annie, and Prim. I'm leaning on Peeta's shoulder and we all just talk about random things.  Then all of the sudden we start to here sirens. 

"This is not a drill. Please report to the main stairs. Then keep going down. I repeat this is not a drill." The speaker says.

We are all panicking around and Prim grabs Buttercup, then we all head straight to the stairs. They pull all 5 of us to the side and take us to the elevator. I guess since we are victors or I'm the Mockingjay or I guess even because me and Annie are pregnant. Oh well no time for questions. 

We get to the elevator and see Johanna and Beetee waiting for us.  We all get in and start going down.  I didn't even realize it but the people that pulled us to the elevator is Haymitch and Plutarch.

"There were many reasons that you 7 were pulled in here. One was because all of you but Prim are victors. Two because Katniss is the Mockingjay. Three because Katniss and Annie are pregnant. And four because Prim is a healer and the doctors and nurses and things had to get down first because of all the people going to be injured by war." Haymitch explains.

"Oh" Prim says.  Honestly we all have no idea what is going on. Could it be a bombing or an attack with troops? Who knows.

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