Chapter 16

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I wake up to an empty bed. But I quickly smell bacon so I realize that Peeta made breakfast. I go to see if Willow is still in her bed but she's not. She woke up a lot last night, so Peeta probably just got up with her early this morning. I didn't hear her though. So I don't know. I walk down stairs and go to the kitchen to see Prim holding Willow and Peeta cooking. I walk up behind Peeta and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Good morning" I say into his back.

"Good morning baby" Peeta says and turns around to kiss my lips.

"Hey guys" Prim awkwardly says.

"Sorry Prim" I say

"It's fine. I'm just still not used to that" She says. Me and Peeta chuckle.

Peeta goes back to cooking and gets done shortly after. We get all of our plates and we all sit down to eat while Prim is still holding Willow.

"I can take Willow" Peeta says

"Ok" Prim says and puts Willow in his arms. We all start eating when we hear a crash from upstairs.

"What was that?" I ask

"I don't know. Lets go see" Peeta says. We all get up and walk up stairs.

"I think it came more from Prim's room" Peeta says. We all walk to her room and we see Buttercup. How the heck is that old thing still alive?

"Buttercup! I told you to be quiet!" Prim says while picking him up.

"Prim! How long has Buttercup been here!?" I ask

"Well, when you guys went to seven for Johanna I found him and I may have brought him here." She says acting all innocent. We got back from Seven two days ago. Johanna is staying in an empty victors house.

"You could have told us" I say

"But I knew you wouldn't have said yes" She says looking down

"Prim, I would have. Just because I don't like him doesn't mean I don't want to make you happy"

"Thank you Kat" She says.

"Your welcome. Now, lets go finish our breakfast" I say.

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