Chapter 21

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1 week later...

"You may kiss the Bride"

Peeta kisses me.  Now I'm Mrs. Katniss Mellark.  I could get used to that. 


Peeta's Pov.

I still can't believe I'm married to Katniss.  This day is tied with the day that Willow was born. I will never forget the moment when I watched Katniss walk down the isle, holding onto Haymitch's arm.  Her dress was beautiful.  And I can't even describe how I was feeling at that moment. 

Right now we are doing the toasting. We both felt like we needed to do it, since it's twelve's tradition. Willow is staying with Effie and in the morning me and Katniss are going on a small honeymoon.  We were just going to bring Willow and have it be a little family vacation, but Effie insisted it should just be for us and that she would take Willow. 

"I love you Mrs. Mellark" I say while handing Katniss the bread.

"I love you too Mr. Mellark" She replies.  We both eat a piece of bread and then we kiss.

"I love being Katniss Mellark" Katniss says after we finish the kiss.

"Well, I like being Katniss Mellark's husband" Katniss smiles at that and we go and sit on the couch.

"So, where are we going on our honeymoon?" Katniss asks. I'm taking her to district 4.

"It's a surprise"

"I hate surprises"

"I know you do" I say and kiss her forehead.

"We should get something for Willow while we are gone" I suggest.

"I have an idea"

"What would that be?" I ask

"We should get her a shirt that says big sister" Katniss says.  At first I don't get it but then it sinks in.

"Your pregnant!!!?" I ask very excited.

"Yes Peeta!" I pick her up and swing her in a circle then I hug her.

"You don't even know how happy you just made me!" I exclaim.


We arrive to 4 in the afternoon the next day.  Katniss was shocked and very happy. We get to the condo that I rented for us and we put our bags in the bedroom.

"Lets go to the beach!" Katniss exclaims.  I'm so glad she's happy.  I used to never see her smile when we got out of the first games. We change into our swimsuits and Katniss puts some shorts and a tank top over hers and I put a tee shirt on. 

We get to the beach and we get into the water.  I have actually learned to swim a little, well at least so I don't drown, but Katniss is still way better.  All of the sudden Katniss splashes me.

"Oh it's on Mellark" I say I run/swim after her and eventually I get her and I pull her under water with me. 

We spend the rest of the day at the beach, having fun. Then when the sunset comes be and Katniss lay on some towels right by eachother, watching the sunset.

"You love me real or not real?" I ask


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