Chapter 9

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I'm walking out to kill Snow. Peeta is waiting on the other side of where we rode in the tribute parade. I have my bow in my hand and I'm in my Mockingjay suit. There are drums playing.

I get to the end and Coin makes a short speech about why we are brought together here today and all that. Then she points for me to shoot.

I aim at Snow and I'm about to shoot when all of the sudden I jerk my bow up and (Miss.... Jk) shoot Coin right in the heart. Everyone gasps and Snow laughs but then out of literally no where Johanna takes out an axe she was hiding and throws it straight at Snow and it kills him. (Plot twist! Got em! Lol that's for arroganttoerag ) Gotta love Jo. But right now I don't know where to go so I just run and Peeta follows. I honestly have know clue what I'm going to do. All I knew that why I shot her was because of Prim. NOBODY hurts Prim.

I find an empty room and just fall onto the bed. Oh what have I done! Who will even run the country?

I know super short but I'm out of ideas! Please let me know if u have any! Vote, share, and comment! Thx


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