Chapter 8

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Right now me, Peeta, Finnick, and Annie are all in a small room together. Prim and my mother are in the hospital part treating people. We don't say much. It makes me cry just thinking about all the deaths that are happening right now. All because of me. All those deaths. All those families. Rue. Peeta's family. Wiress. Clove. Cato. Glimmer. Marvel. Foxface. Cinna. Oh Cinna, I miss him so much. He is the only Capitol citizen I actually like other than Effie. He always helped me get through my problems. He was like a father to me. Oh my father. He never deserved any of that. No person should be forced to go work in the filthy mines. Although no person should be forced to go into the Hunger Games, but obviously the Capitol doesn't care.

I'm crying right now. All three of them are trying to comfort me and they keep asking me what's wrong but I don't want to answer. If I answered all the things that are wrong my list would go on for hours. They all see that I'm not going to answer so Peeta picks me up and carries me back to our room since we were in Annie and Finnick's room. He lays me down on our bed and lays down by me. He plays with my hair and just comforts me. I know he won't ask me what's wrong. He's the only other person that knows exactly what I'm crying about. Annie and Finnick understand but not like Peeta. I eventually get tired and go to sleep.


I wake up by someone pounding on our door. Me and Peeta both get up and answer the door. It's Haymitch. Wow.

"We need to get you guys around we are leaving for the Capitol in an hour." He says

"Wait what?" I say

"The Capitol has been taken over and we have captured Snow. " Haymitch actually is smiling.

"Um ok" I say smiling back and I take Peeta's hand and he gives mine a squeeze to let me know everything is going to be ok.

We get to where Effie and my prep team are sitting and they grab me and get me around. They get done and we get into a hovercraft where I see Peeta sitting with Haymitch. Everything is going to be ok I tell myself. I need to calm myself. This is going to be good. Peeta's child will be safe. Our child will be safe.


"Ok we are here" Haymitch says. Apparently Plutarch and Coin are already there and we have to have a meeting with all of the remaining victors.

We step out of the hovercraft and go inside Snow's mansion. We go into a big meeting room. We sit down and then Coin begins.

"Ok so here's the plan, and I don't care If you don't like it. After we kill Snow we drop silver parachutes onto Capitol citizens and then we take randomly selected medics from district 13 and send them in then we drop more silver parachutes." she says

Prim. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. NO!!!!

I try to get some words out but I can't.

"Your dismissed" she says and walks out.

Everyone looks right at me and I just break down.

Hey guys! I updated finally! I've been busy with my other book lately. I am having writers block for this story. I know what I'm doing for next chapter but I have no clue what I'm going to do for the one after. And most of you probably already know what I'm going to do next chapter so yea, please comment on any ideas. Thx!


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