Chapter 2

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I get to district 13 and instantly see my mother and Prim sanding there waiting for me.  Oh my little duck, she has grown up so fast.  She is now 13 and looks more like a 15 year old.  The games and everything else pretty much forced us to grow up and survive ourselves. 

Oh, one important thing.  I found out that I'm pregnant.  It was right before the quell when I found out.  Obviously it is Peeta's.  Oh my Peeta!  He might be dead right now!  He might not ever get to meet his child!  I may not ever see him again!  At this point I'm crying. Not having Peeta by my side through this is horrible! Not to mention I'm hormonal because of my pregnancy!

"Oh Katniss darling! We will get through this."  My mother says.  What she doesn't know is it's more than just Peeta being in the Capitol.

We go to our compartment.  It's really tight in here, but I guess it's better that nothing.  Nothing. That's what District 12 is. Nothing.  The Capitol bombed District 12.  Nothing.  The Capitol has my Peeta.  My love.  My fiancée.  The father of my baby, our baby.  My boy with the bread.  The only man I will ever love.  At this point I'm crying my eyes out.  My mom and Prim are trying to comfort me but the only one who can ever comfort me is Him.  I can't even say his name right now without bursting into tears.  I'm a mess right now and I decide to blurt out one of the things on my mind.

"I'm pregnant" 

The look on my mother's face is hard to read.  One part of her looks like she is upset and angry. Another looks like she is happy for me. And the last looks like she feels bad and wants to help me get through this.

"It's ok Katniss, we can get through this"  She soothes "This will be good for you and help you a lot"

"HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT!  THIS IS TERRIBLE! THE BABY WON'T EVEN HAVE A FATHER!  AND ALL IT WILL DO IS MAKE ME DO IS THINK ABOUT HIM!!!!" I yell.  I hate these stupid hormones.  Although I probably wouldn't be much better even if I wasn't pregnant.

"I'm sorry Katniss, I didn't mean to upset you, I know it's hard not having Peeta here"  There's his name again. 

"I'm sorry I yelled, I'm just so emotional right now" I'm crying again, although I was pretty much crying this whole time any way. 

I get up and go see Prim who had to go help in the hospital.  I told her everything I just told my mom except not the yelling.  I don't cry as much this time.  Maybe I can start to control my emotions.

We go and eat supper.  It's in this big room with a bunch of tables.  All of the sudden a capitol message comes on.

I can't believe what I am seeing. 

The one I need.


Hey guys I hope you like this chapter! I almost cried writing this! I didn't know how sad it was just to write all of this!  Please Vote, Comment, and Share!!!!!!! 


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