Chapter 20

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5 months later... Katniss' Pov

He's dead. 

The guy who was out to get me is dead.  I've been in a hospital three times in the last five months because of him.  His name was Dexter.  He was related to Snow.  But it doesn't matter now. He's gone.  There's nothing left of him.

Willow is almost a year old now.  She stands up on her own but then falls down.  But before long she'll be walking. She's growing up so fast. 

Peeta has been great too.  He actually proposed to me 3 months ago. Of course I said yes, so we are getting married in one month.  I can't wait.  Effie is taking me to the Capitol to go look for a dress.  I just still can't get over that I'm going to be Katniss Mellark.  Mellark.  Married to Peeta Mellark.

"Ready to look for a dress?" Effie snaps me out of my thoughts.

"Definitely" I respond.  Peeta is out with Willow at the park. So it's just me and Effie. I think I want to also look for Bridesmaid dresses if we have time. Prim is definitely my Maid of Honor and then Annie and Johanna are my other bridesmaids.  Finnick will be Peeta's best man and then Marcus, which is Jo's boyfriend, and Gale for his groomsmen.  Gale paid us a visit a few months ago and apologized for being jealous of Peeta and everything, so now Peeta and Gale are friends. 


When me and Effie get to the Capitol, we go to a shop and when I see the owner I recognize her.  She was a stylist for another district in my first games. Or at least I think.

"Hello Tigris!" Effie pipes.

"Hello Effie.  What can I help you with?" Tigris asks.

"We are shopping for a wedding dress for Katniss" Effie says pulling towards her.

"Ok right this way" Tigris leads us to all the wedding dresses and tells us to try whatever we want on.  Effie pulls some gowns of the racks for me to go try on and I do the same.  I go try them on but I just don't like them.  I go back and look for more and I find one that just sticks out to me.  It's lace with capped sleeves.  It's beautiful.  I go and try it on and I just fall in love with it. 

"This is it" I say to Effie and Tigris.

"You will be the most beautiful bride" Effie says with tears in her eyes.

"That is actually a design by Cinna" Tigris says.  I start crying knowing Cinna designed this. Effie hugs me.

"I wish he was here" I sob.

"I think we all do sweetie" Effie comforts.

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