Chapter 14

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I'm running, and running and I can't seem to go fast. I end up in the woods and look over to see the love of my life being hijacked. I look the other way and see "her" being blown up my a bomb.  I turn around and see Willow being taken away by Snow.  I try to run after Willow but I can't move to her. So I try to go help Peeta, I'm still trapped. Then I realized I'm being held back by Coin.


I wake up screaming.

"Katniss it was just a dream, your okay now. Your here with me. Your ok" Peeta soothes as I'm wrapped up in his arms.

"It was so real! I lost Prim and Willow and you were being hijacked" I cry

"Hey, Willow and Prim are both ok, if you want we can check on them both" he says. 

"It's okay I know they are safe" I say


"Can you hold me until I fall asleep?" I ask sniffling.

"I will hold you the rest of the night"

"Thank you, I love you so dang much" I say

"I love you more" he argues.

"But I love you the most" I say.


I wake up still wrapped up in Peeta's arms. I hear crying and obviously Peeta does to because he opens his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful" he smiles

"Good morning handsome" I reply

"Let's see Willow" he says. I nod.

We get up and walk to her room. She is crying in her crib so I pick her up.

"Good morning" I say

I feed her like I normally do then Peeta changes her diaper. We both get her dressed then we bring her downstairs.

Me and Peeta sit on the couch with him holding Willow. We turn on the tv and we turn on the news.

"You all remember the 71st hunger games victor, Johanna Mason. And we all know she has a fiery and feisty attitude. Well, she is know in jail for murdering a man." The reporter says. Me and Peeta look at each other with wide eyes.

"We need to go help her Peeta" I say.

"Like go pay her way out?" He asks.

"Something like that"

"Okay let's get on the next train to seven" Peeta says

"What about Willow?" I ask

"I'm sure Effie and Haymitch would watch her"

"Ok well let's go get dressed and then we can bring Will over to Effie's" I say


We walk up the stairs and we sit Willow in her room while we change for a sec. (see outfits up top)

We both get done and head back to Willow's room. We get her dressed in her coat then we head out the door to Effie and Haymitch's.

We get there and knock on the door. Effie is the one who answers.

"Hello guys, come in" she says

"Thanks Effie" I say and we walk in and go sit on the couch.

"So what brings you three here?" She asks

"Well, Johanna was arrested and we are going to help her. So could you maybe watch Willow while we are gone?" Peeta asks

"Wait. Johanna Mason was arrested? For what?" She asks

"Yes. And for murdering a man". I say

"Oh, well and yes I will watch Willow" she says

"Thank you so much Effie" Peeta says

"Your welcome, she's welcome here anytime"

Me and Peeta head out the door and go to the train station. We looked at our train schedule at home and it's supposed to be here in about 5 minutes.

We get there right when the train pulls up for seven. We get on and head to one of the bedroom carts so we can just be in private.

We sit down on a bed.

"So why do you think Jo killed someone?" I ask

"I don't know but I think she probably had a good reason." Peeta replies

"Yea I agree"

"Do you want to just take a nap until we get there?" Peeta asks

"Sounds good to me" I say

We both lay down and I wrap up in Peeta's arms. I fall asleep with Peeta's lips on my forehead.

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