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Dandelions in the spring. 

I have three. Three dandelions. Willow, the girl with brown hair and blue eyes.  Rye, the boy with blonde hair and seam grey eyes.  And of course Peeta, the boy with the bread, the boy who I went into The Hunger Games with, twice, my husband, the father of my children, and lastly the love of my life. 

Peeta very rarely has flashbacks now a days. But me on the other hand still have nightmares.  I always will, I can't get those terrible images of the games out of my head.  But Peeta is always there to comfort me, and when I had Willow and also Rye the nightmares weren't as frequent.

Prim is now a doctor.  She actually runs the hospital here in twelve now.  And for my mother, well, she eventually got over the fact that I was pregnant at 17 and now adores Willow and Rye.  Finnick and Annie have handsome, little Finn, and a beautiful little girl named Sarah. Gale lives in district two now, probably kissing some pretty girl's lips. I don't care though, I never needed his fire and rage, I have plenty of that for myself. Peeta got the Mellark Bakery to be rebuilt and now owns it, he loves working there and also having the kids with him there, helping.

I wake up almost every morning happy, not terrified of living life.  But the day I dread is telling my children about the games, Peeta's flashbacks, my nightmares, how they come and how they won't ever go away.  Peeta says it will be alright, we have eachother and I just pray that he's right.

My life for sure isn't perfect and there's no way it ever will be, but I would do it all again just to get the outcome I have now.  Over the years have made a list of everything good I have seen a person do.  It's like a game in my head, I just keep doing it over and over again.  It gets a little tedious a times, but let me tell you,

There are much worse games to play.

The end

Ok so I know you guys probably weren't expecting this to end. Honestly I wasn't either but I kinda ran out of ideas.  I have other books with some chapters already made that I can publish. Also sorry for the short, crappy epilogue.  I stink at making them.

Would you guys rather me post an After Mockingjay story or a modern day Everlark story?  Or maybe both?  Please, please, please comment to let me know!

And lastly, thank you all for the support and voting on this story.  It really encourages me to keep writing. Also knowing the fact that people actually enjoy reading my stories makes me so so sooooooooo happy! 

I love you all!!!!!!!


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