Chapter 17

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2 months later

"Oh my gosh! Yea I will be there as soon as possible. Alright. Bye" I say. Someone called me to tell us that Annie has gone into labor and she and Finnick wants us to be there.

"Peeta!!!!!!!!!!" I yell. A couple minutes later he comes rushing down the stairs with shampoo in his hair and a towel around his waist.

"What's wrong Katniss?!" He asks really worriedly.

"Oh we need to go to District Four. Annie went into labor"

"Ok. But don't ever scare me like that again! I thought you were hurt!"

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were in the shower" I hug him even though he is wet.

"I love you Kat, I don't ever want anything bad to happen to you" He says in my ear.

"I love you too Peeta, and I can't ever see you get hurt" I reply back.

"Let me finish showering and then we can go"

"Ok, I will get our stuff packed while you finish" I say


We go upstairs and Peeta gets back into the shower and I get some bags out to pack our stuff. I pack most of our clothes when I hear Willow start to cry. She was taking her afternoon nap. I go into her room and take her out of her crib.

"Hi baby girl, are you hungry?" I feed her and then I change her diaper. I get a little bag around for her too and then go back to mine and Peeta's room. Peeta is out of the shower so he takes Willow while I pack the rest of our clothes.

"Are we ready?" I ask

"Yep, let's go" Peeta says. We head out the door and head to the train station. They sent a train for us to see Annie. We get on and see Haymitch sitting down at one of the tables pecking at a muffin.

"Hello, sweetheart, lover boy, and little toast baby" Haymitch says.

"Toast baby?" I ask

"Yes, toast baby, you heard me right"

"No, I mean why that name?" I ask

"Oh, you know, girl on fire, plus bread boy, equals toast baby"

"What ever floats your boat then Haymitch" Peeta says

"You know I was thinking while we are in four, renting a boat" Haymitch suggests

"You are so weird" I say.

"Yea, yea" He says.

"Ok we are going to put our stuff in one of the bedroom carts" After I say that Effie walks out.

"Hello my darlings!" She exclaims.

"Hello" Peeta says

"Hi Effie" I say

"How are we today?" She asks

"Pretty good, excited to meet the newest edition to the Odair's" Peeta says

"Me too" She agrees and then goes over to talk to Haymitch. Me, Peeta and Willow all go back to the bedroom cart. We set our stuff down and we put a blanket on the floor for Willow to sit on. We put some toys on it then sit Willow on it. Me and Peeta just collapse on the bed.

"How the heck did we get where we are now?" Peeta asks

"I have no idea, but I would do it all again just to be with you"

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