Chapter 3

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Lance's POV

When he tossed me back my schedule, my heart kept skipping a beat. When I started walking to my next class, I saw him going the same way. It was like he was following me. By the time it was third period, I decided to confront him in the hall. I hid around a corner. When I saw him, I grabbed him and pulled him aside for a private chat.

"Woah, bro, what's your problem," he asks yanking my hand off of him.

"You.... are...," I stuttered out, "W....why a...are f...f...foll...owin...g..."

"I'm not. We happen to have the exact same schedule this semester for some strange reason," he replied.

"I... I'm," I managed to get out. I then took off to my next class before i'd be late.

When I got there, there were only two seats left open, and they were right beside each other. Another class where I have to sit right next to the hottest guy in school, who probably thinks I'm such a weirdo.

Finally, it's lunch time. I never eat lunch, so I just go to the library.

"Hey, Ms. Bennett," I said, sitting down at my usual table. I pulled out my sketch pad and just started drawing.

"So, whatcha working on this time," Ms. B said walking over and looking at my sketchpad.

I was working on a multi-story house in the middle of a beautiful field full of wildflowers. I was mainly focusing on the landscape for right now.

"um, it's my dream house," I said, moving my hand so she could see the entire image perfectly.

"Well, it's really good," she said, " do you have a poem for me?"

"Yea," I said, pulling the piece of paper out of my messenger bag.

"Read it out loud," she said.

"Okay, it's titled, 'So Screw Your Status Quo," I said, "It says,

'Sticks and stones only bruise.

Words are the ones that break through.

On the outside, looking in, all alone, once again.

Somethings you say may be true, but screw you.

Spread all the rumors you want.

At least we are who we are up front.

To us, society's standards don't apply.

On the outside, free we fly.

Who we are, only we know, so screw your status quo.

Cause who we are is our choice, not yours.

And this is our voice, and it will be heard.

From the chains of society, we have broken free.

Free to express, free to be, free to embrace our destiny.

You say we are strange, but, truly, we are brave.

There is no cure for this world of hate, in which we were raised.

In a closet we no longer chide, for we have opened our eyes.

Cause in reality, the world doesn't revolve around you or me.

So, stop living inside a fantasy.

We may be out casts, but we are free at last.

The memories remain, but at least we are free from those chains.'

So what do you think?"

"It's amazing," she said, "Will you enter it in the poetry contest this year?"

"Sure," I replied.

Before we could say anything else, the bell rang telling us to head back to class. The rest of the school day went by quickly. I began walking down the empty hall, heading towards the music room so I could practice my singing.

I walked into the room and grabbed a mic and plugged my phone into the stereo system. Pretty soon, 'Little Toy Guns' by Carrie Underwood started playing. I hit every note correctly. When I was finished, I walked over to the piano and began playing 'Just Wanna Be With You' from High School Musical 3. I began singing it, and, when it came time for the individual solos and the duet parts, Jake walked in and started singing too. I didn't stop.

Eventually the song ended and we were both just there in silence. Jake was the one to break the silence.

"You were amazing," he said.

"T-thanks," I replied. I then started gathering my things up. I was about to walk out of the room when he grabbed my arm and spun me around. Our faces were so close that I could feel his hot breath. He smelled so good, like a warm spring day. I could just feel the sparks jumping between us at every location that our bodies touched. He began to lean in. We were just staring into each other's eyes when I thought I heard footsteps down the hall. I then snapped out of my trance and just took off running towards Izzy's car. I didn't dare look back. I was scared to see him chasing after me. When I got to the car, I hopped in, slammed the door, and just leaned back in my seat, catching my breath. When I could finally hear myself think, my first thought was, 'Did Jake Axton Wulfric, ladies' man of the school, just try to kiss me?!?'


Hey guys, another chapter. Pic above is of Taylor. Let me know what you think. Love ya!

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