Chapter 22

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Lance's POV

It's almost Halloween, and I couldn't be more excited than ever before. This year I will be hosting my very own high school Halloween party. My parents won a cruise for 4 and are taking Taylor and Maryse with them. That leaves me home alone for a week and a half. Halloween is only a week away, but their cruise left this morning. Jake met me at the docks and stayed with me as my family boarded the boat and sailed of to the Caribbean, maybe they'll meet Jack Sparrow.

When we left the docks, Jake dropped me off at home and said he had to go to work, but he would be back after his shift to stay with me. I kissed him goodbye and walked up to the house to find a box on the doorstep. I took it inside and set it on the counter in the kitchen deciding to open it later. I hopped on the couch and started watching a movie or something. I don't really much because I fell asleep about ten minutes in.

I was awoken by the sound of the phone ringing. I answered it and heard Jake's voice on the other end.

J: Hey, I was thinking of picking up some dinner and snacks after I finish closing up here.

L: Oh I can't believe it's past 9 all ready. I fell asleep almost as soon as I got home.

J: Okay lol, how does Wong's sound for dinner?

L: Oh you know me so well, I'll see you in a few. Bye.

J: Bye.

I set the phone back down as the line went dead, but then it rang again almost immediately. I picked up again and answered, "Jake just hurry up and get here. This house is creepy at night with no one else home." "I can understand why," the caller said. The voice alone was creepy, but what he said about made me drop the phone. "Jake, you better not be playing a prank on me," I replied checking the locks and heading towards my parents room for the emergency kit. "Guess again Lance," the voice said, "Did you get my little package?" I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at the box on the counter. "Who is this," I said walking back towards the kitchen to open the box. "Open it," the voice said. I grabbed the knife from the thing on the counter and began to cut the tape securing the box until I heard a noise. I stepped back, and then the box shook and the noise sounded again. It was a snake. "Who the hell are you," I said angrily into the phone as I raced up the stairs for the emergency kit, "and why the hell would you send me a snake?" "What better way to kill a sinner than with the creature who caused all sin in the first place," the voice said maniacally. "Wow," I said reaching my parents room, grabbing the hidden key from inside the lampshade and unlocking my dad's emergency chest, "way to be a cliche with biblical stuff."

Inside the chest was all of my dad's weapons, and the weapons from when I took MMA. I grabbed my dads shotgun and slung it over my shoulder and stuck a pistol in the back of my pants and put his hunting knife on my belt. "Snakes are fascinating creatures because they attack without hesitation," the voice said. "Yeah yeah yeah," I said, "I'm hanging up now." With that, I shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bo staff from its box. I heard a noise come from down stairs, so I headed down as quietly as possible. I walked into the kitchen to find the box missing. Instead there was a note that read, What started with a kiss shall end with a bite.

I started to look around for the box or the snake throughout the house. I heard a hiss from above and jump-rolled away from the snake about to be dropped on me. It launched itself at me, and I knocked it aside with my bo staff. I then grabbed the hunting knife. I used my bo staff to hold the snake to the ground and the I cut its head off with the knife. The body was still wriggling then went limp when I heard a floorboard creak. I put the knife back on my belt, separated my bo staff in half and turned to face the intruder. He was wearing all black with a hoodie and a mask that was white. "Hello Lance," he said. "Very GhostFace," I said, "What is this, the 90's?" I must have insulted him or something because he lunged at me. I somersaulted out of the way but not before striking him with my bo staff. I was about to run out the front door when I heard footsteps approaching. I ran up the stairs to avoid being hit and heard the sound of the intruder's body colliding with the door. I ran to the guest room and waited for the intruder with the pistol ready.

When he came in, I jumped and was about to fire when he knocked the gun out of my hand. We wrestled for a bit. I ended up on my back on the floor. The intruder was about to jump on me when I kicked him back and then did that weird martial arts move to jump from the ground to my feet. He had hit the window and almost fell out. He was about to charge at me again when I grabbed the shotgun and fired off a shot. The impact was so strong it forced him into the wall and his body fell to the floor. he wasn't dead because I could hear groaning, and he was starting to stand up when I ran downstairs. I opened the front door and screamed as Jake ran in and wrapped me in a hug. He pulled me aside as a few cops came in searching the house.

When the cops finished their search, they didn't find anything they could use to find out who the guy was. My cousin Tim Anderson is deputy sheriff and offered to stay in the house with me for protective custody because Jake's dad was out of town for a business trip. Tim told me I'd have to go down to the station to give a complete statement tomorrow. I wasn't ready to relive the night of horror I had experienced.

Jake put dinner in the microwave until tomorrow because I couldn't eat after what happened. He helped me take a shower and then get ready for bed. When we got in bed, he held me tight, and something came over me. I don't know what it was, but I started to break down and cry. I guess I was coming down off the adrenaline rush from the whole thing and was actually starting to feel what I truly felt. Fear. I was so scared because the intruder was still out there. Somewhere.

I hope y'all like this new update. I decided to add a little horror to the story. Let me know what you think. Let the theories on who "The White Mask" is begin. Like, Comment, and Share. Love y'all.

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