Chapter 17

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Lance's POV

Mom, Dad, and Izzy were both stuck home sick. I had to get everyone up and ready to leave, and with Chance being himself, we were running a little late. Chance tried to take the car keys, but I grabbed them before he could. "I'm oldest," I said as I took the keys, "all right let's load up." We all filed into the car, and headed off to school. When we pulled up to the school, there was only about 10 minutes left till the morning bell. Jake and I were having a good start to the day. After lunch, I headed back to class early. When the bell rang for 3rd block to resume, Jake wasn't in the room. Just after the teacher closed the door and sat back at her desk, there was a loud clang from the hallway. We all looked towards the door, and I ran out of the classroom once I heard the second loud clang.

When I stepped out into the hallway, I saw this big dude throw Jake around. He kept punching Jake and throwing him into the lockers. The teachers didn't do anything because there was a strict policy to only stop it if a weapon got involved. The dude turned and I recognized him as the largest dude on the football team, Billy Young. He had been suspended a few weeks back for hitting another student... with a trashcan. I guess his suspension ended, and his little crew of lackeys told him about his team captain. He's always been a huge homophobe, so I'm not that surprised by his reaction. I'm surprised by the fact that Jake wasn't entirely trying to fight back. He grabbed Jake and held him against the lockers about to punch when I ran over and tried to release his grip on Jake. When he did, it was to sling me off. Jake was trying to sit up when Billy went to resume his beating. I don't know what it was, but something inside me snapped.

"Leave him alone," I said through my teeth. "What did you say," Billy said turning to look back at me. I was on one knee with my head down, but I lifted my head a little as I said, "I said to leave him alone." "What? Are you the boyfriend?," He said kind of laughing at me. "Yeah, I am," I said standing up, "And I'm not going to let you lay another hand on him." "You're either the most courageous person or the stupidest," He said, "So why don't you just back down and I'll be finished with him soon enough. Once I've beat the homo out of him." He started to walk back towards Jake who had pulled himself up from the ground. What was just a snap had turned into a flood of strength, anger, adrenaline, and courage. Jake saw it happen in my eyes, I guess, but it was too late. I gritted my teeth, exhaled, and ran at Billy. Billy heard my footsteps, but when he turned around, I had already jumped.

When I jumped on him, I knocked him off his feet and took him down to the ground. I started landing as many punches on him as I could. When he would finally get the chance throw me off, I would just do these weird flips that I've never done before and land just a few feet away unharmed. The first time I did this, there was a moment of silence where everyone just stared at me with shocked looks, even Billy.

The last time he threw me off, I didn't immediately charge at him again. I just stayed in my stance. I had my down for second and I knew that I couldn't beat Billy as myself. I'm not a very fit person. I don't have the proper build, so I have to become something else. Something that plays to my strengths and finds his weaknesses. I saw Billy forget about me an go back to Jake, and I wasn't gonna let that happen. I don't why I did, but as I felt this feeling travel down my spine, I let out a growl as if I were a wolf protecting its territory. Now, this growl was no soft little growl; people near me backed up out human instinct. Billy turned around and said, "Did you just growl at me?" I didn't respond, I just slowly stood up as I let out another growl with my head still down. "Oh you're dead now," one of Billy's lackeys said as Billy cracked his knuckles. I recognized the same warm up; Billy would always crack his knuckles and his neck just before he delivered his final punch to end the fight and render his opponent unconscious. Jake mustered up enough strength to say, "Lance...don't." However it sounded like it was miles away. I could only feel the energy coursing through my muscles and the blood flowing through my veins. I only heard the air around me, the sound of people breathing, and the sound of Billy stepping towards me. I heard the air move as he brought his arm back before he would land it. As he brought his fist down, I knew he could hurt me with this one punch, but I didn't try and get way. I felt as though time was as slow as molasses. Just before his fist could make contact with my face, it made contact with my hand as I grabbed it and stopped it.

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