Chapter 4

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Jake's POV

As soon as he disappeared from my grasp, I felt incomplete. I don't know what it is about that kid, but he has changed something inside me. I felt sparks and I know he did too. I began to walk towards my car. I didn't even hear my friend's calling me. I just drove home, ate dinner, and went to sleep, without a word to anyone. I could only think of one thing, and that was my best friend's twin.


Next Day

I walked into the school and just headed straight to class. I sit by him in every class, but I couldn't muster up the courage to talk to him about yesterday's events. Pretty soon, the end of the day bell rang. I ran to the music room hoping to see Lance again. When he walked into the room, he didn't notice me. After he set down his bag and turned around, he saw me. He then just took off again, but I wasn't going to let him get away this time. Pretty soon, we were outside the school. He started towards the road hoping to cross it before I caught up with him. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a gray dot moving very fast and not slowing down. I immediately shouted, "LANCE!!!!!!" When I did, he looked back, but then it was too late.

The car collided with him while hitting the brakes. Lance's body rolled up the car and then rolled down it onto the pavement. I then took off towards his motionless body. When I reached him, he was bleeding from his head. I then took off my jacket, rolled it up, and put it against his head to apply pressure.

Soon, the ambulance applied. The MEs tried to tell me to move, but I wouldn't budge. In a matter of minutes, they had him on a stretcher and were putting him into the ambulance with me getting in right behind them. The hospital was at least 10 minutes away.

When we turned onto the highway, Lance's pulse stopped. The ME riding in back said he had to perform CPR. I told him I'd help. When he began to apply pressure to his chest, I waited for his signal to do mouth to mouth After a few minutes, his pulse was active, but not completely back to normal. We then arrived at the hospital.

I had to sit in the waiting room while the doctors did their best to stabilize him. I then began to full on cry. After half an hour, the doctor said he was sleeping, but I could go into his room. While I was in there, the doc asked for family contact information. I gave him Chance's number because I couldn't be able to make the call myself. As soon as the doc left the room, I grabbed Lance's hand and started to uncontrollably sob and apologize.

It was another hour before Chance, Izzy, and the rest of his family busted into the room. They were all asking me questions. I explained everything. When I finished, his mom yelled at me.


Izzy tried to calm down her mother.

"I'm sorry," was all I could get out before leaving the room.


I know this chapter is short, but I promise the next one will be longer. Pic above is of Maryse. Vote, comment, share, whatever. Love you guys.

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