Chapter 2

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Aphmaus pov
"Katelyn lets go to the park" She nodded and we went to the park I went and at u see my favorite tree its a white weeping willow tree and when the wind blows the leaves fall off and it looks so pretty I also like to sit under it and draw anyway I sat down and started doodling when I looked up and seen vylad,and garroth I waved them over and they sat down with me I said "hey guys! Where's zane" vylad pointed to a bench under a huge tree and sure enough zane was sitting there looking around I smiled and said "so what are you guys doing here shouldn't you still be unpacking" garroth said "nah our mom said there was only a few more boxes she said she could handle them and that she wanted us to go out and make some friends so here we are" just then katelyn came over she sat down and said "so these are the famous Ro,Meave brothers hey where's the pale one with black hair that aph h-" I stopped her by putting a hand over her mouth I said "can you excuse us for a second" I pulled her to the side and said "I DO NOT HAVE A CRUSH ON HIM FOR THE LOVE OF IRENE!" She sighed and said "yes you do its just in the developing stages your developing a crush on him over time the more you get to know him the more you will like him trust me I know" I sighed and said "I just said he's cute I do-" I was cut off by garroth appearing behind me saying "who's cute" I said "no one! ok how about we sit back down ok" they all nodded and we sat back down we talked for awhile until I looked pay them and seen zane he looked kinda lonely so I said "hey I'm going to the bathroom be right back" they nodded and I walked over to zane I sat next to him and said "hey" he nodded and I said "you looked kinda lonely so I thought I'd come over here" he didn't say anything so I said "you really don't talk a lot do you" he said "no I don't" I smiled and said "you should talk more you have a nice voice" he glanced at me then looked back over at the sky I said "so I'm assuming back in O,Kasis you didn't have any friends" he shook his head in a no motion and I said "well you do have a friend" he said "who" I smiled and said "me! We are friends  you have no choice but to be my friend" he said "you actually wanna be my friend?" I nodded and said "yep! Like I said you have no choice in the matter you are my friend wether you like it or not" I think he smiled a little bit under that mask but I don't know he said "well thanks for being my friend aph" I laughed and said "no problem you seem pretty cool" he said "you can go back over there with my brothers if you want" I nodded and said "ok but your coming with me" I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to them we sat down and garroth said "zane why is your face red" he said "I-uh.." He shrugged and we all started talking we ended up talking until night and I ended up learning a lot about zane then finally I said "I think we should all go home" everyone nodded and we all started towards our houses we all waved and went into our houses when me and katelyn went in she said "zanes face was red because you grabbed his hand" I groaned and said "not this again!" She nodded and said "yes this again it'll all be over once you admit you like zane!" I sighed and said "you can't like someone you barely know" she nodded and said "yes you can its love at first sight!" I rolled my eyes and said "I'm gonna go watch tv" I went to the living room and sat down with mom me and her watched tv and ended up staying up all night...

Second chapter! I'm very bored so expect quite a few chapters tonight :) hope you enjoyed that's all for now bbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeee

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