Chapter 7

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Aphmaus pov
I woke up that morning to a knock on the door downstairs I groaned and wiggled my way out of zanes arms and went downstairs to see the lights and everything still turned off basically no one was up...what time is it??! I looked at the clock to see it was...12:57! Ugh I walked to the door and opened it to find a little boy...let me rephrase that little floating,transparent....boy he said "hi I uh I'm malichi! And I just got freed from my castle the people who freed me were supposed to take me with them but they left me so i walked and now I'm here..." I frowned and said "poor thing here come in just be quiet on everyone's asleep" I grabbed his hand and pulled him up to my room I shut the door and grabbed a flashlight since I didn't want to wake zane up I sat down with malichi and he explained everything to me after he was done explaining I said "so let me get this straight you used to live in a huge floating castle after your parents died but someone freed you and said you could come with them but they ditched you" he nodded and I said "you poor thi-" just then I heard crying coming from the living room I picked up malichi and we went to the living room malichi sat on the couch while I grabbed Levin I sat down with Levin next to malichi and said "this is my son Levin I adopted him...." Malichi smiled and said "he's very cute I figured he wasn't yours considering he has dirty blonde hair,and ocean blue eyes while you have black hair and brown eyes and that man upstairs has black hair and icy blue eyes...say who is that man upstairs" I smiled and said "hats my boyfriend zane my sister is in the other room and my mother is in the room next to that" he nodded and said "well thank you miss for being so kind to me I guess I'll go now goodbye" I grabbed his little arm and said "Nope uh uh you aren't going anywhere! I've already adopted Levin what's one more kid to hurt! I'll tell everyone in the morning for now you can sleep upstairs with me and zane" he smiled the big eddy smile ever and we went upstairs I Layed down next to zane and his arms instinctively went around my waist I smiled and out malichi next to me and fell asleep...

Time skip

I woke up again later on to malichi not there I jumped up and noticed zane wasn't there either I ran downstairs to see my mom,katelyn and zane talking to malichi they all looked at me and I said "heeeeey... Hehe I uh...see you met malichi" they nodded and mom said "hun he told us you said you'd adopt him im fine with it but I'm just gonna say have to big of a heart" I blushed and malichi ran over to me I bent down to his size he said "so are mom now..." I smiled and said "yea i am" he smiled and said "so I have to call you mom now" I laughed and said "you don't have to if you don't want to you can call me aph or mom im ok either way" he hugged me and said "I wanna call you mom! I haven't had a real mom in hundreds of years!" I nodded and said "ok well malichi guess what you have a brother and a dad to!" He jumped....floated....up and down and said "really! Who?!" I said "well Levin is your brother and zane is your also have an aunt and two uncles katelyn is your aunt and zane has two brothers their your uncles I'll invite them over later so they can meet you and my mom is....your grandma!!" My mom said "no....nonononono I am not that old do not call me grandma just call me auntie may" katelyn laughed and said "may...your actually letting him call your by your name I thought you hated your name being rosa" she nodded and said "I do but it's better than grandma" I laughed and then I said "hey mom I want to talk to you" we went upstairs and I said "I know I said I wanted to drop out of school because I was taking care of Levin and now malichi but I actually miss school and they'll both be going to school soon and I get off before them so I could just go pick them I want to go back to school" she said "hun are you sure it won't be to hard going to school,doing homework,taking care of the boys,hanging out with friends and family are you sure" I nodded and just then zane came up he said "I kinda wanna go back to" she nodded and said "ok Zane go tell zianna and aph I'll go sign the papers you can start back whenever you want" I nodded and said "I want to start back on levins birthday he'll be 2 so he'll be able to go to school and malichi can already go but I'll have him wait until levins birthday to that way all of us can go to schoolo n the same day and I'll be able to pick them up" she nodded and said "ok so in a week you'll be going back zane I know zianna is gonna want you to go back as soon as possible so your going back tomorrow without aph" he nodded and went over to his house to tell zianna and I set malichi down i said "ok so now that your in a family have to go to school have you ever been to school" he said "no what is it" i smiled and said "it's a place you go every day you get to meet friends and do work the work parts not much fun but you'll get used to it you won't be going until levins birthday which is in a week he'll be 2 so he'll be starting school to I'll also be going back" he nodded and said "I can't wait!" I nodded and said "later me,you and Levin will go shopping to get you boys some stuff ok" he nodded and ran off and Levin said "mommy! When School" I laughed and said "on your birthday! Ok your second birthday you will be going to your first day of school as will me and malichi!" He smiled and I put him in the floor to walk around and play for a bit when malichi sat next to him he said "hi Levin! I'm your big brother" Levin giggled and said "big bwother!" And tackled malichi into a hug I smiled and sat down I watched them play and talk for a bit before putting Levin down for a nap and malichi was talking katelyns ear off about how he was so exited for school I smiled and fell asleep..,.

Yay! Malichi is here and their both gonna be going to school! Anyway that's all for now hope you enjoyed bbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeee

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